Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2
warm the curve of her sex was pressed to it, how perfectly aligned their groins were.
    If the media was still here, there was every chance she was as well. With her cameraman, her mic…
    Her fingers on his scars…the pity in her eyes…
    “Think I’ll take a rain check on the beer, mate.” He turned back to the western sky, refusing to acknowledge the yearning tug on his body to get his arse to the Outback Skies pub ASAP, to see if she was there, waiting for him. To take her in his arms and crush her mouth beneath his.
    To pin her to a wall, any wall, the closest wall, and make love to her mouth until she could barely stand, let alone look at him…see him.
    “You scared of the limelight, Ev? Or someone in particular? Someone who threw herself in front of a car to get your attention?”
    Evan dragged in a breath and shot Ryan a sideways glare. “Not like Charlie to gossip.”
    Ryan snorted. “Not Charlie, mate. This reporter, what’s her name, Jenna something, from Channel Eight News? Her cameraman filmed the whole thing. Was showing it to some of his fellow cameramen in the pub last night.”
    “Don’t worry. Charlie ended his fun. Confiscated the camera and told the guy he was going to throw him in the lockup for invasion of privacy. If it helps, I haven’t seen either him or your reporter friend in town since this morning. Think they may have headed back to the Big Smoke.”
    Evan shuffled his feet, casting the horizon a long look. Gone. She was gone. That was good.
    So why the hell are you feeling so empty now, huh? So hollow?
    “About that beer?” Ryan said beside him. “My shout. I won’t even expect you to take me home and fuck me silly. Ignoring the whole hero-of-Wallaby-Ridge thing, you’re not really my type. No offense.”
    A dry chuckle scratched at the back of Evan’s throat. “None taken.” He gave his friend a small smile. “But I’m going to give it a miss tonight. Tell the guys you can all buy me one later. I’m going to head home, take a shower and then crash. Unless there’s some major emergency, I’m not getting out of bed for the next twenty-four hours.”
    Ryan studied him, a contemplative gleam in his eyes. The heli-musterer may have looked like a backcountry cowboy, but Evan knew he had a mind sharper than most of the suits who strutted about in the city.
    “Fair enough,” Ryan said with a nod. “But it’s your shout tomorrow night for wimping out tonight. Double round. And none of that piss-water Fosters either. I’m talking Tooehy’s Dry. Or maybe even Crown Lager, got it?”
    Evan couldn’t help but laugh. “Deal. Now any chance you can give me a lift home? Given that I can’t see the captain’s Land Cruiser anywhere, I’m assuming she’s reclaimed it.”
    “Hell, yeah.” Ryan clapped a strong hand on Evan’s shoulder. “She heard you were trying to run down city reporters and took it back quick smart.”
    Evan laughed again, even as the memory of Jenna running in front of the 4WD, and the kiss that followed, tormented him.
    The drive to Evan’s house on the outer limits of what constituted Wallaby Ridge town proper was filled with discussion about the fire. Speculation was running rife in the Ridge that a careless tourist illegally camping in the national park had started it. Supposedly, the state’s Fire Commissioner was calling in the big guns, requesting the country’s leading arson investigator, Desmond Russell, to take a look at the scene. Ryan spoke of the media frenzy in town during the night as more than one ground crew firefighter returned, exhausted and drained, for a moments respite from the inferno.
    With a sly glance at Evan, he’d pointed out none of them were the Chanel Eight News reporter.
    Evan didn’t take the bait, and by the way Ryan’s lips twitched, Evan realized his friends were going to never let him live down his one moment of stupid weakness back on the helipad.
    Whether they’d survive the rush of giving him a

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