were tough, but watching Willow and Jake you could see they managed to care about each other even when things were rocky. With any luck they’d get through this rough patch. They both listened intently to Carly’s description of her dealings with things mechanical. Willow’s blank look made him smile. She hadn’t a clue what her daughter was talking about, but she forced herself to be attentive. Jake listened, and asked a biker’s questions in between bites of spaghetti.
Watching them made his own thoughts, with a poignant and involuntary twist, turn back to Melanie Wilford, the teacher Carly thought was great, with the tantalizing figure and smiling face that he thought were more than interesting. And if Carly was right, she was showing at least some interest in him. That gave him something to work with.
When school ended, she returned to the classroom to find Brian waiting for her at her desk. He looked concerned, serious. That week, ever since their talk, he’d withdrawn, which was the exact opposite of what she wanted to happen. By offering to talk about the ideas that confused him, she’d hoped to learn more and gain his trust. Part of her felt that she needed to understand his home situation more clearly. There was only his father, and he said the man got angry. But just how angry did he get and how did it manifest itself? It made a difference. If she thought Brian was in danger, she’d need to act. She was legally obligated to call Child Protective Services; but if his father was just paranoid, and needed to let off steam, calling in the authorities would feed his fears and possibly make Brian think he’d been right all along that there were people trying to control him.
To determine whether it was one or the other, she needed a sense of what was going on, the dynamics. It would help if Mr. Innes would come in and talk with her and she considered sending a note, a personal message, inviting him to do so. Maybe meeting away from the school. If she talked with him, she’d have a chance to size him up, to see if there was a real threat. Sometimes a parent might get angry without it being a threat at all. Her own father had railed against government policies rather loudly and angrily, but hitting anyone, much less a child, was something he hated to even hear about. He despised violence—but there were times when, if you didn’t know him, you might think he was in a violent rage.
She hoped it was the same with Brian’s father, but the boy’s reluctance to talk worried her.
“What’s going on, Brian? All this week I’ve been expecting you to loan me a book to read, so we could discuss it. I was looking forward to learning some new things.”
“That’s what I told my dad.”
“He got mad. He said you had no right to know what books I read.”
“Did he?”
“I told him I needed to explain to you, and he said I was supposed to tell you that if you keep spying on our family, he’ll report you and that what we read is none of your business.”
“I see.”
Brian looked scared. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. I really didn’t, Ms. Wilford. I just wanted to understand.”
She gave him a big smile. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Brian, and I don’t think you’ve gotten me into any trouble. It’s okay to ask about what you are reading. In fact, part of my job is to know what students read, not because they shouldn’t read anything they want, but because some books are inappropriate for school. There isn’t anything wrong with the ones you’ve been reading though. And I didn’t tell you not to read them, did I?”
“No. He says you’ll collect the information, the titles, and put it in his file.”
“His file? I don’t have a file on your father.”
“Maybe you don’t, but when you collect information on me, that tells them about him, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose. But why would they care?”
He shrugged. “I guess it would be for the same