Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6)

Read Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6) for Free Online

Book: Read Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6) for Free Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Brie
    “The beast befriended Brie while I was gone. I was met with her unpleasant presence upon our reunion.”
    “The nerve of the bitch!”
    “You would not believe the lengths she went to. It’s not only pathetic, but desperate. So desperate, it’s given me insight into her motives.”
    “What could she possibly want? She took everything.”
    “I have to assume she is alone and destitute,” he said coolly.
    “But why come to you? I thought the woman was skilled at parting men from their money.”
    “I’m uncertain what brought her to this point, nor do I care.” Sir glanced at Brie with a look of regret. “But now Brie has to deal with the consequences of the unwanted reunion.”
    Master Anderson spoke with the candor of a good friend. “To be blunt, I am glad you have her with you. This is not something you should face alone.” He stood up, walked to the expansive bookshelf lined with liquor bottles and poured both of them glasses of Scotch. “Have you spoken to your uncle about it?”
    Sir shook his head as he answered, “No, not yet. Besides you and Nosaka, no one knows of her return. I think it’s best to keep it that way, but I agree that he should be warned.”
    Brie had forgotten that Mr. Reynolds was related to Sir’s mother. How would he react to the news? She couldn’t imagine the kind old man being brother to such a spiteful woman.
    “Yes—in fact, the sooner the better, Thane. He should not be surprised by her the way you were. You remember how it ended between them.”
    “Yes…” Sir said distractedly, as if he was remembering the event. “Unc felt as if he was to blame for what happened. Foolish on his part.”
    Master Anderson held up his glass. “No more foolish than you.”
    Sir snarled ominously as he took a drink. “Shut up.”
    “You know you came today because you needed someone to be honest.”
    “Don’t be so sure.”
    Master Anderson finished his drink and grabbed Sir’s glass without asking, filling it up with more Scotch.
    When he handed it back, Sir stated, “You should know I don’t care to drink before noon.” Then he looked at Brie. “Would you like some, téa?”
    His question did two things. It acknowledged that he cared about her well-being, but by calling her by her sub name, he was also informing her that she was there to observe and not participate in the conversation unless commanded.
    Brie did not want the liquor to dull her response to him. “No, thank you, Master.”
    Master Anderson sat back down. “I thought a little Scotch was in order. It’s not every day that Ruth Davis comes to call.”
    Sir shot up off the sofa and roared, “Do not use my father’s surname with that woman!”
    Brie was confused for a moment, until she realized that Sir’s mother had even lied about her name. The woman had lied about everything…
    Master Anderson got up and placed his hand on Sir’s shoulder. “A mistake, my friend.”
    Sir exhaled angrily, but sat back down.
    Master Anderson returned to his chair with a calm air about him. “How are you planning to handle it, Thane?”
    “I am siccing my lawyer on her. He’ll find out soon enough what’s really going on.” Sir directed Brie, “Don’t let her get anywhere near you. The woman is toxic in every sense of the word.” He looked back to Master Anderson. “The beast was able to finagle Brie’s business card from her.”
    “I’m sorry, Master,” Brie whispered.
    “Téa, I do not fault you, but it illustrates what lengths to which she will go.”
    Master Anderson assured him, “I will keep my eyes out for the beast. But after so many years, I’m not even sure I’ll recognize her.”
    Sir laughed unkindly. “She probably went bankrupt because of her face. The whore looks the same—it’s unnatural, like looking at the picture of Dorian Gray. She’s made herself into a freak of nature in her frantic attempt to keep the only thing of value she has left—her looks.”

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