over a copy of the file first thing this morning.”
Maggie’s frown deepened, and she said, “Any chance we can get both victims moved to my lab?”
Diana walked over and stood beside her, eyeballing the visual evidence. “The first victim was already released and buried. Your assistant is supposed to call us as soon as the ME has done their autopsy so we can go down and see for ourselves.”
With an abrupt nod, Maggie shifted to the table and moved aside the papers, reaching for the ME’s report. She scanned the initial comments and shook her head.
“None of this is making any sense, Di. Multiple blood specimens at last night’s homicide, but according to the report on the first victim, only her blood was at the first scene. What makes Daly think they’re related?”
“Not sure. But Daly has good instincts. Maybe they missed something on the first case. They didn’t even label it a murder. I’ve asked NYPD to send over all their physical evidence. Daly promised to send a copy of his personal notes today, as well.”
Maggie blew out a tired sigh and plopped down into a nearby chair. “Damn. I had hoped the wounds were post-mortem. Call it wishful thinking to hope she hadn’t suffered while being eaten alive.”
“I’m with you, Maggie. I’d hoped she was dead before suffering all those animal bites.”
“ Big animal bites,” Maggie added uncomfortably.
“It was a huge animal that went after you last night,” Diana said, and laid her hand over Maggie’s as it rested on the table.
“What was it, Di? It was too big to be a dog. Maybe a coyote or wolf?”
Diana shook her head. “The only wolf packs I know of in New York City were those wilding attacks in the late ‘80s. But those were humans acting like animals.”
Another knock came at the door and they turned toward the sound.
David waited there, a white envelope on his lap. “There was a coyote sighted in 2006,” he said, “but if you don’t mind my saying, those bite marks are way too large for your average coyote.” He rolled into the room and took a spot at Maggie’s side. “Too big for a wolf, too.”
“I guess you’d know more about that than us city girls,” Maggie replied, the first hint of a smile on her face.
David shrugged and handed the envelope to her. “We had our share of attacks on the family’s Texas ranch.” He pointed at the photos on the board. “But nothing this savage. Only a human could do this.”
Diana had to agree with her former partner. The violence in the photos was brutal, almost calculated. The ME’s report said the victim had been alive for most of the injuries. Which meant the “animal,” if that’s what it was, had focused on the sexual parts before delivering any kind of killing blow.
She peered at the envelope he had handed to Maggie, and saw the return address was from the hospital where her friend had been taken. She knew immediately what the envelope contained.
She took it from Maggie, pulled out the photos she had asked be taken in the emergency room, and tacked them on the board beside those of the other victims. Her stomach did a little turn at the thought that her best friend was now a victim and part of an active murder investigation.
After she finished, she studied the bite marks on both dead women and on Maggie’s arm. They were of a like size and had some other similar elements, but not entirely. She circled the comparable elements on the photos with a permanent marker. “We’ve definitely got similarities here.”
David rolled over to the murder boards and braced his hands on the arms of the wheelchair. He pushed off and hoisted himself up to examine the photos more carefully. He had more strength in his arms and shoulders than she’d thought.
“I’m not a bite expert, but I’d say the same kind of animal did all of these,” David said.
“I agree,” Maggie chimed in.
“Glad you can all agree on something,” their ADIC said as he strode into the room. He