Bombshell (Devlin Haskell 4)

Read Bombshell (Devlin Haskell 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Bombshell (Devlin Haskell 4) for Free Online
Authors: Mike Faricy
one-hundred-and-seven - pounds of her and on roller skates , asks you to please not bother her . And you decide it would be funny to fondle her ? Squeeze her breasts? Then when she reacts , attempts to fend you off, you turn the thing into a full blown assault, that about right?”
    We were in the security o ffice of the auditorium, a cinderblock room painted grey and devoid of any windows or personality. There was some sort of a hand written manning roster taped to the wal l next to last year’s calendar.
    I was sitting on a desk chair with wheels, my hands handcuffed behind me. A fat guy in a matching grey uniform sat on the edge of the desk leaning over me. He was a s ergeant named Wayne , according to his nametag, and he had been reading me the riot act. I knew he was a s ergeant because his iron— o n patch read Security Sergeant.
    Detective Norris Manning leaned against the wall behind him, arms folded, eyes sparkling, enjoying the show. He occasionally cracked his gum and never stopped smiling .
    “Look, with all due respect , S ergeant,” I emphasized the last word. “I don’t have to answer you. You’ re the security guard at a now empty auditorium. You’re not the police. ” I looked past him. “ I haven’t been read my rights,” I called to Manning.
    “We’ll get to that soon enough, douche bag . Far as I can tell the s ergeant here is just doing his job . He pursued and detained an abusive individual , you. That same individual, you, was involved in an assault on a young woman earlier tonight , one Felicity Bard, AKA Emma Babe. ”
    “Come on, assa ult? It was self— defense, there were witnesses.”
    “Oh yeah, that’s right, there were witnesses. Seven, Sergeant , is that correct ?”
    “Seventeen,” Sergeant Wayne replied, he continued to stare down at me then rubbed his right fist into the palm of his left hand and glared some more .
    “And they were all witnesses ? T o an assault ?”
    “ You got it. They a ll s igned statements saying this jerk attacked that little English girl down in the hallway outside the visiting women’s locker room.”
    “Lurking outside a woman’s locker room, sounds predatory,” Manning smiled.
    “I want my lawyer,” I said.
    “Lawyer? You’re not even in our custody, yet,” Manning grinned. “You know Sergeant, there’s been a bit of a history with someone stalking these English gi rls ever since they arrived in the US .”
    “Really?” Sergeant Wayne sat up, I could tell because his rolls of fat rearr anged themselves , stretching the buttons of his shirt to the breaking point . H e never took his eyes off me .
    “Yeah, seems someone has been mailing them body parts , following them around.”
    “Body parts?”
    “Yeah, to those little English girls, can you imagine? What sort of limp wristed bastard would do that? ” Manning sai d, then smiled at me, eyes twinkling.
    Wayne nodded, glared down at me thinking he knew exactly the sort of bastard . I could sense the wheels inside his thick skull slowly begin to turn.
    “Knock this shit off , Manning. Y ou’re going to get Sergeant Schultz here all excited. They were fingers Wayne , fingers.”
    Wayne ’s eyes grew large and he turned to Manning.
    “There’s your confession, dete ctive. Bastard just admitted it, didn’t take him too long. ”
    “Wow, it sure sounded like it, good job, ” Manning said , deadpan .
    “Manning, knock this shit off and get me out of here. You know I didn’t have anything to do with that shit. We talked about it on the phone yesterday.”
    “See Wayne , it’s not uncommon for your serial killer s, stalkers and the like to crave publicity. They’re always trying to prove they’re smarter then the folks like you and me actually involved in law enforcement.”
    “Get me the hell out of here, come on , Manning,” I pleaded.
    “Okay, since he’s confessed I guess we ’ ll take it from here,” Manning said after a long moment .
    Wayne nodded, then yanked

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