Body Work

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Book: Read Body Work for Free Online
Authors: Bonnie Edwards
about his plan for the cars, so she waited.
    “ I heard you hired a service to work on them. Which one?”
    “ Body Work by Branton.”
    “ I know Tyce. He does fine work. Bit expensive don’t you think?”
    “ He’s worth every dollar he charges.”
    “ Ah, but what does everyone get for their dollar, eh? There’s the question. If you talk to the ladies, you’ll get a different answer than you’ll get from the men.”
    She couldn ’t resist. She had to turn around to see his face. Franklin was too arrogant to control his expressions and allowed all his worst emotions to show. He was as easy to read as a billboard and right now ugly lust and jealousy got top billing. “What do you mean?”
    He leaned closer, looked down the front of her gown. His eyes darkened. “I hear the ladies get their money’s worth. You know exactly what I mean.”
    “ I’m sorry. I don’t.” She opened the door a crack, preparing to sweep into the ballroom away from him. At this point, she didn’t care what the brothers thought or knew about their father’s plan for the collection. It was clear she’d get no support from either of them and decided it was more important than ever to keep the plan secret. “Branton’s working on my cars, not yours. So you don’t have a thing to say about it.”
    It was supposed to be a parting shot, but his hand slammed the door shut before she could do anything to stop him. She was wedged between him and the door.
    The smell of sour alcohol nearly overwhelmed her, but it did nothing to hide the leer in his voice. “They’re not your cars, Lisa. They’re mine and my brother’s and we’re going to put a stop to whatever you’re planning to do with them.”
    She wanted to cringe away from him but she dared not. To a bully like Franklin, fear was an aphrodisiac. She knew from experience that to run meant to be chased and she would not give him the rush he ’d get from chasing her. “They’re going to auction,” she said clearly.
    “ No, they’re not.”
    “ Your father left them to me.” He knew it well enough. He’d raged like a trapped wolverine in the law firm offices. Shuster, Townshend and Martin had never seen the like.
    “ We’ll see about that. If I’m happy with the way they look when Branton’s finished with them, I’ll talk to my brother about allowing this auction. If I can convince him to part with the cars, life will be easier for all of us.”
    “ Part with the cars? They mean nothing to you.” She weighed her options. Giving Harris’s sons final approval on the collection’s condition was asking for trouble. Before she had a chance to form her reply, Franklin ran his fingertip down her arm from her shoulder to her elbow. Her skin crawled.
    “ If you were to ask me nicely, I’d speak to my brother without bothering to check on Branton. I don’t care what service he gives you, Lisa, as long as I get mine. Your pouty little lips need to be put to use. Why not use them on–”
    Her elbow found its mark in his ribs and when he bent over, winded, she opened the door and strode into the center of the dance floor.
    When she moved to Europe no one would know her background or where her money came from and she’d be treated with respect.
    She called a cab and left well before the end of the evening. Well before eleven when she ’d asked Tyce to meet her.
    The sweep of the cab ’s headlights showed empty space in front of the garage. Tyce had left.
    So he was playing dirty.
    She paid the cab driver and considered calling her lawyer to find out where Tyce was staying but pride stopped her. Obviously, he was far more in control of himself than she was and was engaged in some kind of waiting game. Tyce had his pride. But so did she and she would not beg.
    She spent a restless night dreaming of his touch, reliving those moments when he ’d leaned over her, imprisoning her in the Jag. Her nipples got so hard her silk sheets abraded them. In her dreams she felt him roam

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