Blood Deep

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Book: Read Blood Deep for Free Online
Authors: Sharon Page
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
had made him strong. Standing, he could lift her to straddle his cock, and he impaled her on his rigid spike.
    She laughed. Her eyes changed to a vivid red, and she rode him until she tore at his neck with her teeth and ravaged his back with her nails. Climax after climax took her, then he surrendered to his orgasm. Laughing, she pulsed her cunny around him, sucking him dry with her muscles. His legs collapsed beneath him and he let them both fall to the ground.
    She leapt up to her feet while he was still gasping for breath.
    “I will name you Lukos, and your beast shall be the wolf.
    You shall be a predator, sleek and swift, without mercy. You shall be a beautiful beast, my pet. And you will put behind you your mortal name, your mortal ties. You will give everything up—”
    “Including pleasure,” he grumbled.
    She smiled, eyes narrowed, her thick black lashes batting playfully. “A small price.”
    “After that bout I know it is a great sacrifice.”
    “Do not flatter.” She waved away his words, then went to a table in the corner of the vaulted chamber. She dipped her blade BLOOD DEEP / 37
    into a gold dish of hot water. She stroked it along his head. He felt the scrape, the awareness of pain, of sensation. She worked, shearing his hair from his scalp.
    “You will lead me there?” he asked. “Through the labyrinth.”
    “Ah, there is so much you do not know. That is not the way you meet Lucifer.”
    “How then?”
    “You will find out very soon. Now, let me finish.”
    After his head was shaved to his scalp, she bade him to stand.
    He lifted his arms as she commanded, and she drew the blade on the skin beneath his arms. She pricked him several times.
    He caught his breath as she shaved his chest, then took off the downy line of hair that ran down his abdomen.
    “Stay very still,” the demoness murmured.
    He stood like a statue as she drew the blade along the plane of his pubis to reach the root of his cock. She cooed and stroked his soft member until it swelled again, and his blood rushed into it. The scrape of blade over his skin aroused him, and made him harder than he’d ever been. He held his breath, afraid the slightest twitch would send the sharp edge into his flesh.
    He’d always been proud of his thick, rigid organ. The maidens of Wessex all loved it. He wasn’t ready to lose it.
    She gave him a wicked glance, then licked the head, running her tongue around and around as her hands deftly shaved his nether curls. He watched the hair fall to the ground.
    Then he shuddered as she drew the shaving blade over his ballocks. She pulled the skin tight to shave and the pressure chased his balls around in their sac.
    With a tap on his buttocks, she urged him to bend over, and she swept the sharp edge around his anus to take away the hair there. She cleaned the blade in the water and even shaved his legs, then finally, his arms. She took off the long golden hairs on his forearms.
    “There, you are finished.”

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    She stroked his hard shaft. “And now, your poor sweet organ will no longer be able to play.”
    He did not believe that. He refused to. He reached for her breast, but she slapped his hand away. She still held the blade, so he jerked back quickly.
    “Now you will take me to Lucifer.”
    She gave him a robe of fine scarlet fabric, sensually soft. “Put this on and get down upon your knees.”
    His scalp prickled where it had been shaved. His ballocks itched. But he forced himself to ignore the nagging desire to scratch his testicles, to ignore the stinging places where the blade had drawn blood.
    “Close your eyes and tip your head back.”
    A shudder passed over him. A shadow of wariness. But he had lived for this moment, the moment he became one of Lucifer’s ten apprentices, and he had to trust.
    But his lids opened and he relinquished faith—
    He saw the countess’s arm move in a smooth arc. The blade penetrated his throat, and her strength drove it through his skin to

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