Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army

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Book: Read Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army for Free Online
Authors: Jeremy Scahill
Foreign mercenaries
    IPOA. See International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)
    and Caspian oil project
    under Bremer
    civil war
    elections in
    government investigates Blackwater shootings
    government investigates Nisour Square shooting
    government’s lack of sovereignty
    human trafficking allegations
    military disbanded
    monetary (privatized) costs of war
    occupation of ( see Occupation of Iraq by U.S.)
    Sadr’s ascent
    schoolteachers, doctors, nurses fired
    Iraq National Museum
    Iraqi Civil Defense Corps
    Iraqi Governing Council
    Iraqi military
    disbanded by Bremer
    joins anti-U.S. resistance
    in Operation Vigilant Resolve
    training of new army
    Iraqi militias
    and civil war
    of Sadr
    and Salvador option
    Iraqi police
    Irish Rangers
    Islam, Muslims
    Islamic Army in Iraq
    Israeli mercenaries
    Issa, Darrell
    Issawi, Taher al-
    Izurieta, Ricardo
    Izzi, Saad al-

    Jackson, Gary
    on aviation services
    on Blackwater’s clandestine operations
    on Blackwater’s expansion
    on Cofer Black
    on foreign commandos
    on helicopter shoot-down
    on New Orleans operations
    on U.S. border agents
    Jacobson, Jim
    Jadacki, Matt
    Jamail, Dahr
    Jamaili, Khaled
    Janjaweed militia (Darfur, Sudan)
    Jennings, Peter
    Johnson, T. V.
    Johnson Controls
    Johnston County, NC
    Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), smart bomb
    Jones, Karen
    Jones, Walter, Jr.
    Al Jazeera
    embedded, unembedded
    Justice Department, U.S.

    K Street Project
    Kabul Station
    Kaifesh, Larry
    Kamal, Hussein
    Karim, Ahmed
    Karimov, Islam
    Karzai, Hamid
    See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project
    KBR (Kellogg, Brown, and Root)
    and Blackwater subcontract
    and Fallujah ambush
    and human trafficking allegations
    New Orleans hurricane contract
    See also Brown and Root (later KBR)
    Keating, Karl
    Kelly, Kathy
    Kennedy, Edward
    Kennedy, Patrick
    Kenya, U.S. embassy bombing
    Kerry, John
    Khalaf, Ali Salman
    Khalif, Raheem
    Khartoum, Sudan
    Kidnappings, disappearances
    of foreign contractors
    Kimmitt, Mark
    and Al Jazeera
    and Fallujah
    on Najaf battle
    King, Martin Luther Jr.
    King, Robert
    King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center (Jordan)
    “Kingdoms in Conflict” essay (Colson)
    Kinzer, Stephen
    Kirby, David
    Kissinger, Henry
    Klebold, Dylan
    Klein, Naomi
    Knapp, Eric
    Knocke, Russ
    Koopman, Doug
    Koppel, Ted
    Kornbluh, Peter
    Korrey, Edward
    Kosciuszko, Thaddeus
    Kosovo war (1999)
    Kostov, Lyubomir
    Kristol, William
    Kroll Inc.
    Kromm, Chris
    Krongard, Alvin B. “Buzzy,”
    Krongard, Howard “Cookie,”
    Krueger, Alan
    Krugman, Paul
    Kucinich, Dennis
    on impunity for private contractors
    Kufa, Iraq
    Kurdish Peshmerga fighters

    Lacquement, David B.
    Lafayette, Gilbert de Motier
    Lafayette Park, Washington .C.
    LaHaye, Tim
    Laitin, David
    Lapin, Daniel
    Larry King Live TV program
    Lasseter, Tom
    Latin America
    Law enforcement
    domestic operations conducted by mercenaries
    Blackwater 61 plane crash
    Fallujah ambush
    for Nisour Square shooting victims
    for Watahba Square killing of Iraqi civilians
    See also Immunity from prosecution and litigation
    “Lawyers for Terror” (Waller) in New York Post
    Le Mas
    Leahy, Patrick
    Leary, William M.
    Left Behind novels (LaHaye)
    Lekota, Mosiuoa
    Lepaterique, Honduras, secret training camp

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