
Read Blackout for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Blackout for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Cope
the professor. ‘It’s all paid for. In fact, the tickets are already booked. We’re going tomorrow. You two, the children, me …’ he glanced at Lara and the pups before looking away nervously, ‘… and the, er … cat.’
    Shakespeare had been listening intently, his flashing collar translating the conversation. He liked the idea of the family going on a river cruise. It’d give him a chance to have the place to himself. He was gently purring as he listened. Until the professor’s final sentence …
Shakespeare’s claws dug into the sofa as he felt his world falling apart.
    ‘The cat!’ yelped Spud. ‘You missed us out, Prof,’ he woofed, jumping up at the white coat and tugging it with his teeth. ‘The cruise ship has a restaurant. I’ve already planned my meals!’
    ‘Down, Agent Spud,’ hissed the professor, swatting at the puppy. ‘I know you want to come too. But, quite frankly, it’s impossible to get you aboard.’

    ‘Why on earth are we taking the cat?’ asked Mum, a note of suspicion rising in her voice.
    Very good question
, thought Shakespeare, his claws digging deeper.
This cat doesn’t do boats because boats are surrounded by water! My worst nightmare. This is non-negotiable
    ‘There isn’t a catch, is there, Professor? This isn’t one of your hare-brained schemes?’ asked Mum.
    ‘Mrs Cook, Mrs Cook, Mrs Cook,’ sighed the professor, struggling for words. ‘I mean Barbara,’ he said, attempting a watery smile. ‘Hare-brained schemes indeed,’ he chuckled, his brain whirring, but his mouth struggling to explain what was clearly a hare-brained scheme. ‘Let’s all sit down and stay calm.’
    ‘I am sitting down. And I was calm,’ snarled Mrs Cook. ‘And you’ve never called me Barbara.’
    ‘Well, Barbara it shall be from now on, Mrs Cook,’ gabbled the professor, his scientific brain struggling to find an explanation that would fit the bill. ‘Let me explain.’
    I think you better had
, thought Lara, casting
her eye at Shakespeare who looked absolutely terrified.
The Spy Pups seem keen as mustard, but Spy Cat much less so
    The professor pressed a key on his laptop and it sprang into life. Everyone, dogs and cat included, crowded round. ‘This is top secret, OK?’ he warned, a raised eyebrow emphasizing his point.
    Mrs Cook’s sunny disposition had clouded over. ‘It’s not a holiday. It’s an assignment.
A mission! You’re putting us all at risk. Again!’

    ‘Barbara,’ smiled the professor. ‘Babs …’
    ‘Mrs Cook,’ rumbled Mum, her frown now thunderous. ‘Don’t “Babs” me!’
    ‘I’ll admit it is a mission,’ he said, doing inverted commas in the air, ‘of sorts. But there is absolutely zero risk to you or the children. Unless,’ he said, breaking into a false smile and a hollow chuckle, ‘you think saving the world
and having fun are dangerous.’ The professor noticed that nobody else was smiling so he ploughed on. ‘It involves a
river cruise. Including, let me add, two nights aboard the world’s most luxurious vessel. The only potential risk is to Agent CAT.’ The professor looked round. ‘Speaking of which, where is my newest secret agent?’
    Shakespeare had retreated to the window sill, listening intently, eyeing an escape route, but resisting the urge to run.
    ‘Here’s my thinking,’ explained the professor. ‘Two satellites have been shot down. Wales and Scotland are off the grid. I can’t be sure of who or how at this stage, but I can hazard a pretty safe guess at evil baddies.’
    Spud and Star sat tall, tails swishing and ears pricked at the mention of evil baddies.
    ‘And I’ve just done some calculations.’ He produced a notepad from his coat pocket and everybody’s eyes widened as he leafed through pages of diagrams and equations. ‘Thermodynamics. There’s only one element that could be used to generate enough heat to fire a laser that far.’
    All eyes remained wide with

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