Meet Mr. Prince

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Book: Read Meet Mr. Prince for Free Online
Authors: Patricia Kay
she’d realized early on that role wasn’t for her.
    Following Deborah into the office, Georgie quickly saw it wasn’t a fancy place. Not that she’d expected it to be. Most foundations, even well-funded ones, didn’t waste money on frills. And if they did, then they were suspect in Georgie’s eyes.
    Substance over flash, that was Georgie’s credo.
    Deborah dumped her handbag and a paper sack onto a desk in the outer office and gestured to a group of chairs against the wall. “Have a seat. Let me get things turned on and organized, then I’ll show you around.”
    â€œOkay.” But Georgie didn’t sit down. Instead she walked over to the opposite wall where several black-and-white framed photographs were hung. She studied them with interest. The first showed a familiar actor shaking hands with Bill Clinton. She idly wondered why a photo of Patrick Dempsey would be hanging in the foundation’s office. Had he made a big contribution or been involved in a recent humanitarian effort on behalf of the foundation? He and the former president were the only ones she recognized. The other photos were of people she didn’t know, people who were obviously either supporters or workers for the foundation. She only glanced at them, thinking it was likely one of the men in those photos was her new boss, Zachary Prince.
    â€œMiss Fairchild?”
    Georgie whipped around. She hadn’t heard Deborah’s return.
    â€œOur one claim to fame,” Deborah said, walking over and pointing to the photo of the actor and Bill Clinton.
    â€œWhat did Patrick Dempsey do for the foundation?” Georgie asked.
    Deborah rolled her eyes. “Oh, boy. Zach hates that.”
    â€œHates what?”
    â€œWhen people think he’s Patrick Dempsey. He gets it all the time. Women have been known to follow him on the street. One or two have even followed him to the office. And let’s not even talk about the paparazzi.” She shook her head. “They’ve been fooled by the resemblance, too.”
    Georgie stared at Deborah. “That’s Zachary Prince? Not Patrick Dempsey?”
    â€œYep. That’s Zach.”
    Geez Louise . Georgie didn’t trust gorgeous men. In fact, aside from Alex, she’d never met one who wasn’t full of himself. I knew I wasn’t going to like this assignment, and that conviction just got a lot stronger.
    Deborah was still chuckling as she said, “C’mon, I’ll give you the ten-cent tour now.”
    It didn’t take long to see the rest of the offices. There were only three of them, plus a small conference room, a tiny kitchen and a unisex bathroom. The largest office was Zachary Prince’s, Deborah explained. Georgie only caught a glimpse of it, because they didn’t go inside. The office assigned to Georgie was directly across the hall, and next door to hers was an office that was usedby everyone and anyone associated with the foundation at any given time.
    â€œIncluding visitors and temporary help,” Deborah said. “We pretty much operate on a shoestring. Zach doesn’t believe in wasting money that can be used in better places.”
    Good, Georgie thought. At least he and she would agree in one area. “Where is Mr. Prince?”
    Deborah smiled. “Oh, don’t call him Mr. Prince. He’d hate that, too. He’s Zach to everyone.”
    Georgie noticed that Deborah hadn’t answered her question. She was just about to pose it again, when Deborah said, “To answer your question, Zach doesn’t usually get here before ten.”
    Oh, really? Strike two, Georgie thought, only barely preventing herself from rolling her eyes the way Deborah had earlier. Georgie could just imagine why he couldn’t make it in early. She’d known a few of his type—pretty boys who did the club scene at night. No wonder Alex was concerned about the New York office, even if he hadn’t

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