Blackmailed For Vengeance
kisses to those of Yanis. Even more alarmed when she realised that
he had not matched the intensity of the Greek who held her a
prisoner in a gilded cage, nor had he raised within her half the
sensations that Yanis seemed to be able to produce at a mere
    Lee remembered how she had
thought herself to be so much in love, and how she had believed him
to hold the same feelings. Yet when he had asked her to marry him,
she had hesitated. She had panicked and asked for time to think
about it. Two days later when she had arrived at his home to give
him an answer, she had surprised him as she let herself in with the
key he had given her, finding him in bed with another woman. Lee
had been devastated, refusing to accept his apologies, as he told
her that he thought she didn’t care about him because of her
coldness when he had proposed. She remembered how David had tried
for months to see her before he had finally given up as she
continued to refuse to meet with him or even to talk to him.
    At that time it had been Jim
who had held her and comforted her, telling her that it wasn’t her
fault, telling her that if he had truly loved her then he would
have waited forever to get her answer. He had been there for her,
which was why she was there for him now, and so despite her rising
concern about the way she reacted to Yanis she knew that she could
never tell him what she knew.
    As she sat there deep in
thought, Maria had entered the room carrying a large plate full of
    “What would you like for your
breakfast Lee” she asked in a friendly tone
    Lee had smiled back “Toast is
fine for me thanks” she said rising to take the plate from the
    “You want to join me Maria” she
asked softly “I feel a bit out of place here, not quite sure what
to do”
    The older woman had smiled
approvingly “You should never be afraid to ask Lee”
    As they sat drinking tea
together and eating the delicious toast Maria had prepared, the
woman had told her about the household daily routine. She had
explained the times they usually had dinner and Lee had found the
advice the woman had given invaluable. Finally Maria had asked Lee
if she had wanted a guided tour of the place, laughing at the
younger woman’s look of relief.
    “Oh thank you Maria…I swear
that I haven’t a clue where I am in this place…it’s so big”
    They had then spent an hour
going through the different rooms, with Maria explaining about the
history of each. Lee had enjoyed the morning and thanked her with
real sincerity when she had returned to her chores, offering to
help if she could.
    Maria had looked at her with
    “You are not like normal women
he brings….you I think are nice girl”
    Lee had looked sadly at the
woman thinking how differently her employer regarded her.
    Yanis had phoned her just after
9 informing her that his car would be there in ten minutes to bring
her to him where they would sign the paperwork. She had just had
time to shout a farewell to Maria before the car as promised had
appeared, quickly whisking her off to one of the many large
buildings in the city.
    If the lawyer had seemed
surprised at the contents of the document then he certainly did not
show it as she had carefully taken her time to read through the
papers to ensure that they truly reflected their previous day’s
conversation, ignoring how Yanis had stood impatiently over her,
fully aware of the pent up maleness of him as he hovered over her.
Finally she had signed it as had he
    As the lawyer had left he had
lifted his jacket from the back of his seat. Lee trying not to
notice how much his closeness was still affecting her, as his heady
scent invaded her senses once again, making her want to close her
eyes with the sudden sensations of pleasure which filled her. She
had watched his strong chiselled face as he had read through a list
of those who had called him that morning, his face frowning in
concentration, as he had spoken with his secretary, quickly

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