Blackmailed For Vengeance
condition not to mention anything going on with
Yanis. On the way back to the house he had looked at her
    “Why did you not say anything
about us to Jim?”
    Lee had bitten her lip as she
looked down at her hands clasped tightly together on her lap. After
several seconds she had replied
    “Because it is like a bad dream
to me”
    “Well here’s something that
might make it seem a little more real” he said throwing a small box
into her clasped hands
    “Put it on”
    Slowly Lee had opened the box
which held the ring she had chosen earlier that day. Pulling it
from its black velvet cushion she had slid it on, as he had lifted
her hand to admire how it looked on her small finger
    “Beautiful” he said softly,
noticing how her eyes avoided looking at the ring which sparkling
so brightly on her hand. With a small chuckle he had said
    “Poor Lee, perhaps if you are a
good girl I will let you keep the ring”
    She had turned on him abruptly
her eyes flashing greenly with anger
    “I don’t want anything from you
Yanis Demitri” she spat at him “Only your disappearance from my
life” before she had turned away from him to stare sightlessly out
of the window.
    “Mmmm I like a woman with fire”
he said softly as his hands had pulled her around to face him “I
wonder if you have the same passion in bed” he said his eyes
exploring her face before moving down to openly stare at her lovely
body, his gaze appreciative as she had stayed still in his hold
    “It will be interesting to find
out I think” he said his dark eyes holding her there like a rabbit
caught in the headlights unable to move as they had so slowly
travelled over her whole body, not missing any of her, as he seemed
to undress her so seductively with his eyes.
    “”she stammered her
throat suddenly very dry “we won’t be finding out” she had said her
voice a whisper
    He had laughed gently “Lee, you
and I will become lovers that I promise you… I think I deserve at
least that for my trouble” he said as the car had reached the house
and he had moved from it before she could say anything else.

    Lee had moved quickly up the
stairs to her room her mind panicking at his declaration. While her
head knew that there was no way she would ever sleep with this man
who held her in such contempt, every time she was near him her body
would betray her with the fierce attraction she felt for him.
Groaning she had set the shower to its full force punishing her
bodies betrayal with the jets of water.
    She had taken her time to get
ready making sure that her hair was pulled up into a soft bun, as
they had shown her how to do at the salon, which as well as giving
her height, also showed off the graceful curve of her long neck.
She had then pulled on the silvery blue cocktail dress which had
been selected for the evening. Plunging at the back, it had showed
off her wonderful figure to its best. A halter neck had secured it
at the back with a glittering diamond pin before it opened up at
the front, showing her perfect cleavage. Lee had been nervous
wearing such a revealing dress, feeling very self-aware at the way
it showed off so much of her body. However, she was only playing a
part she had told herself as she moved down the stairs to meet him.
He was waiting for her at the bottom pacing backwards and forwards
like a caged panther muttering with annoyance, checking his watch.
She had watched him shyly, seeing how handsome and devastatingly
sexy he looked in his tuxedo, once more feeling as her heart had
missed a beat as she had felt how her body had again reacted to
him. However, as he saw her moving down towards him he had froze,
staring at her with a look of complete disbelief.
    “Am I OK” she asked with
concern seeing the shocked look on his face
    He had frowned at her his look
full of sudden annoyance, while his eyes held a fire within
    “You look fine” he muttered,
frowning before turning from her and making for the door.

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