Black Seduction

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Book: Read Black Seduction for Free Online
Authors: Lorie O'Clare
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
filled the room with the cool, night mountain air.
This was a good litter, and one she wished she could take her time getting to
know. In spite of Raul’s admission of caring for her for so long, it was all
still muddled in her brain. And with so much else going on, there wasn’t time
to sniff Raul out the way she wished she could, the way he had with her.
    It didn’t take much sniffing to know he was easily the
best-looking male in Colony. His black hair hung straight just past his collar.
Broad shoulders and his barrel-like chest made him one of the larger male
jaguars in Colony. He held his hands on his waist, which was thick yet tapered
down from a muscular back. The jeans and t-shirt he wore showed off muscles
that rippled and bulged throughout his body. His tight ass and thick, long legs
added to the aura of power emanating from him.
    Angela caught Rafe watching her, and took in his stance with
a quick glance. As tall and powerful-looking as Raul, Rafe also possessed the
distracting good looks. Something in the way he carried himself, in the dark,
piercing way he watched the world around him, made him look so different.
Shooting a side glance back toward Raul once again, she took in his powerful
stance, the way his legs were slightly spread and his hands on his hips, as if
he were the king of his mountain and simply deciding who would live or die that
    “Comparing notes,” Rafe whispered.
    Angela turned, meeting his hard, green eyes. “Does that
bother you?”
    “Not at all.” His grin was as cold as his stare. “I’d love
to hear what you find.”
    Angela smiled back, ignoring Raul as he approached behind
her. “The female who wins your heart will kick your ass. I’m not sure there is
a female smart enough for Ran. And Raul…”
    She paused when his hands came down on her shoulders. No
jaguar intimidated her—not male or female. She looked over her shoulder and
forced her heart not to pound in her chest when his gaze smoldered.
    “Raul has it all figured out. His female will need patience.
Lots of it.”
    Rafe snorted and Raul growled.
    “I think I’ve got something,” Ran announced, his excitement
creating sparks of anticipation in the air.
    Immediately Rafe and Raul closed in around Ran. Raul’s hand
slid possessively over her shoulder. She waited through the moments of silence
along with the others while Ran continued muttering, talking to the computer as
if he could sniff out the proper way to work the programs.
    Raul moved closer behind her and his hard body pressed
against every inch of her backside while his fingers tightened slightly over
her shoulder. Her insides quickened, and drinking in a deep breath of air
didn’t help. In spite of the mixed emotions surrounding her, the way Raul and
her scent smelled so similar, an erotic combination of both their natural
aromas, made it damn hard to focus on matters at hand.
    “I really can’t take all of the credit.” Ran leaned back in
his chair, folding his hands behind his head and grinning smugly. “If it
weren’t for some of the males bragging up their successes with communication
with humans, I never would have eavesdropped and learned about their website
and forum.”
    “What did you find?” Raul demanded.
    “It took awhile to find it. Angela helped a lot too. She
knew the name of the website her littermate’s been frequenting.”
    “I just overheard her mention it a few times,” Angela said
quickly as a morbid thought created panic inside her. What if Raul chased her
down so quickly simply because he wanted to destroy Natasha? She hid her sudden
panic, refusing to allow the thought to develop, at least not for now.
    “Tell us what you found,” Raul growled, his baritone
vibrating through his fingers and sinking deep inside her. His aggravation
smelled stronger than her sudden sour emotions and she did her best to continue
hiding her frantic line of thinking. There would be time later to figure
everything out.
    “Well, I

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