Black Seduction

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Book: Read Black Seduction for Free Online
Authors: Lorie O'Clare
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
kicked his ass three months later when he was talking
to Elisa Romero,” she countered, wagging her finger at him. “Just because he
talked to some female you were fucking, you copped an attitude. And now this,
insisting we’re mated and that I’m leaving with you.”
    “I kicked his ass because he fucked Elisa and he was running
with you.” His voice was a bit too clipped, and he inhaled slowly, willing
himself to remain calm until Angela saw the way of it. “I’ve never been with
Elisa,” he added, his tone quieter, softer.
    She let her gaze drop, it was obvious in her expression that
she was turning back time in her mind, replaying events. “All of that was years
ago,” she said without looking up. “And it doesn’t explain your actions today.”
    “I’ve always watched you, Angela, allowed you to run, enjoy
being young. And I’ve always known you were meant to be my mate.”
    “How did you know that?” she challenged, tilting her head
and piercing him with a disbelieving gaze.
    She placed her hands on her narrow waist and puffed out her
chest. Her nipples were hard little pebbles and her breasts full and round. Angela
didn’t have any visible scars. Her tanned skin complemented her thick, long,
black hair and her green eyes. It was her sensual look that undid him, not the
strong scent she released that was now buried in his skin, or the lasting aroma
of his come on her body.
    He cleared the distance, stopping inches in front of her and
lifting her hair from her shoulder when she didn’t back up or change her
    “I knew it when you attacked Maria Gonzalez for lying about
being pregnant.”
    Her jaw dropped and color washed over her cheeks. “It’s not
right to trap a male,” she whispered.
    “Nope.” He wouldn’t tell her he had already smelled Maria’s
lie when she tried to tell him three years ago he had mated with her. “You
refused to mate with John Hunter when he started sniffing after you once his
littermate David finally took the hint you didn’t want him.”
    She looked wide-eyed at him. “I never told anyone about
that,” she hissed. “John told you I turned him down?”
    “You were standing outside the bar and he told you that you
were the best female in Colony and he would only be seen with the best.”
    She shook her head in disbelief.
    “I was sitting on my bike, just a couple of cars down,” he
explained. “If you looked, you would have seen me. I almost offered you a ride
home but knew it wasn’t time yet.”
    “Time for what?” she asked, her voice thick with emotion.
    “Time for us.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips over
hers. When he straightened, her lashes fluttered over her eyes before she
glanced back up at him. “I wanted you to see that we were meant for each other.
If events happened differently, I would have taken more time, let you come into
the knowledge on your own. But Colony isn’t right for us anymore. It’s time to
leave. And leaving without you isn’t an option. Nor would I have you running
with me and my litter and not be mated. That isn’t the honorable thing to do.”
    “Ran and Rafe have flirted with me more than you have.”
    “They’ve always protected you. Both of them have always
known that I wanted you for mine.”
    “You’ve already told them this?” She looked surprised.
    “There isn’t much we keep from each other. This is a tight
litter, Angela. And one that you’ll fit into perfectly.”

Chapter Four
    “How much longer?” Angela asked.
    Ran glanced up from his work, his green eyes so similar to
Raul’s yet sparkling with a mischievous glint Raul didn’t possess. “Perfection
takes time, little female,” he purred, winking at her before returning to his
    Rafe paced the living room behind them. He was the antsy
one, Angela decided, who was ready to leap without question at the slightest
altercation. She looked over her shoulder at Raul, who stared out the back
door, which stood open and

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