or an idiot because they don't belong between them two bands, and that I might just prove bright enough to conceal the fact that I didn't belong there too. 
    “ They're not my words son, but one more thing I've learned over the years is that if you decide that you've got to hit a man, don't just hit him to get his attention and don't just hit him once or you'll end up regretting it,” he'd said and winked with an eye so pale it appeared almost white. “There's nothing wrong with selective truth boy. You decide what people need to know about your business, and tell them when it suits you and not before.” His world view was harsh and his opinion of other people low, but I listened at all times with rapt attention, learning to be like the man I idolized and absorbing his hard earned wisdom.
    * * *
    I had agreed to meet up with Marcus after work, promising a straight answer to his direct questions and buying myself more time to decide what version of the truth I was comfortable handing over. He obviously considered my acceptance of social intercourse to be a result judging by his self-satisfied smile, and I was merely grateful for the respite from questioning.
    The rest of the day proved to be too busy for me to dwell on it much, but I found time for my thoughts between the howling sirens and flashing lights, revisiting my dead grandfather's words, momentarily blind to the passing urban scenery, a paint pallet smear past the windows. I needed to know more about the 'vampire' investigation after Marcus's comments, specifically whether it might shine an unwelcome light in my small section of the city's alternative underbelly. I counted the minutes until we clocked off for the night, hanging back until the rest had left for home, as soon as they did I headed for the Criminal Investigation Department office.
    “ Excuse me, Detective Inspector.”
    “ Since there's no-one else in here call me Karen, keep the D.I for the briefing room, Shane.”
    I'd never really spoken to Detective Inspector Karen Cobb before. Her work and rank meant little involvement with beat Bobbies on a day to day basis, and the reputation that preceded her didn't invite friendly chat. Here she was disarmingly relaxed and open though, holding my eye for a moment and gauging my reaction to the fact that she knew and had used my first name. 
    I notice, briefly, that she wears no rings and that she's a lot prettier when she smiles. “Thank you, Karen. I just wanted to express my desire to apply for a secondment to work for you on CID when the next opportunity arises.”
    “ That's pleasing to know, and I'll do what I can to ensure that it happens.”  She smiles again, smoothing a few strands of hair away from her face, and I linger, faking indecision.
    “ If there's anything that I can do to help with the current case, the biting attacks I mean, no matter how repetitive or uninteresting, just say the word and I'll be there.”
    “ Thanks, Shane, I'm sure with a little thought I can find a use for you.” There's a definite twinkle of intent in her eyes. “I've still got a lot of interesting places to visit, would you believe there's such a thing as the Nottingham Vampire Society? I despair sometimes, honestly.”
    “ Nothing surprises me these days, Karen. I've always been an open-minded kind of guy. I'll stop taking your time up now, thanks for hearing me out.” I give her a smile of my own and head for the lockers, removing my shirt to change into civvies before I leave.
    “ I forgot to say, put that request in e-mail for me and I'll get it authorized when I get a chance. Oh, and nice tattoos by the way.”  I hadn't realized that she could still see me through the crack in the door, but when I turn around she has already walked away leaving me to laugh softly to myself. This could be interesting and seriously complicated.  
    The doors are open but it is still early and there's only one person in, a ruffled looking old man with distant

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