Biker Faith

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Book: Read Biker Faith for Free Online
Authors: Ellie R Hunter
fuckin’ promise you won’t like the consequences.”
    The way he speaks is low but assertive, meaning his promise. I swallow hard and nod, afraid if I speak I’ll squeak and sound weak, and I’m sick of being that.
    “I’ll be with you till you leave or I can trust you, but I think you’ll be long gone before that fuckin’ h appens. So tonight, you’re goin’ to a party coz’ I sure ain’t missin’ out,” he said.
    No! I am not going to a party with him! I haven’t seen how the Lost Souls like to party but I know ho w the Ghost Riders do and it isn’t pretty. Most of the time I steered clear of the parties but when Tommy began taking an interest in me, he would drag me off to them to show everyone I was his. All tonight would be about would be me; everyone’s curious stares, talking about me and not to me, with the exception of Alannah.
    “Maybe it’s best if I stay up here ,” I offer.
    “It would be best, but like I fuckin’ told ya, I ain’t missin’ out,” he repeated.
    “I can’t go back down there ,” I tell him, hoping he hears the raw need to be up here…and not down there.
    He doesn’t say anything. H e doesn’t need to, the look of irritation screams silently at me.
    “Please, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t have the energy,” I plead.
    I see him begin to relent and think something over.
    “Okay, I’ll see if Barbie will sit with ya…I dug out some sweats for you to wear, you can’t keep wondering around in just a hoodie. They definitely won’t fit you but you can tie the cord tight.”
    Barbie? That must be his nick name for Alannah.
    “Thank you ,” I whisper.
    “Yeah, no problem ,” he mutters.
    Thankfully Alannah didn’t mind missing out on the party and turned up around nine. Since I refused to go, Sparky and I haven’t spoken a word to each other. After he finally relented about me going to the party, I had a shower, dressed in his sweats and returned to his tiny couch. I stayed there pretending to be asleep, which eventually I did only to be woken up to Alannah knocking. Sparky couldn’t get out the door fast enough.
    Alannah joined me on his couch accompanied with a tray of soup and bread. I’m not a huge fan of soup but tonight my growling stomach isn’t going to complain about it.
    “Bon? ” she says drawing my attention away from the bowl of soup. I look up to see her looking at my bruises.
    “You k now you can talk to me right?” she asks, “Please tell me what happened to you, because I have a pretty good idea after having the pleasure of meeting your club.”
    “The y’re not my club! I don’t want anything to do with them!” I say sternly.
    “Okay, but they hurt you didn’t they?”
    With who I am out in the open now, and Alannah witnessing first-hand what they are capable of, maybe I can finally talk to someone who will understand.
    “Yeah they did. I don’t know if you came across Tommy when you were at the warehouse? Well, he took a liking to me a few ye ars ago. At first I thought he could save me from my father. He was so nice to me in the beginning but it turns out, he is just as evil as Hunter. He would take whatever he wanted from me… sex, the small amount of money I managed to save, anything he wanted. Once I pushed him away when he tried to get in my bed, and he hit me. He hit me so hard the vision in my left eye blurred for a few hours. That scared me the most. After that, if I did or said anything that annoyed him, he would lash out.”
    As degrading as I felt letting her into the dark si de of my life, I did feel many years’ worth of secrets lift from my shoulders. I carried on before I pushed the walls back up.
    “ Growing up, I was nothing but a nuisance to my father and he didn’t let me forget it either. Funny thing was, it wasn’t until I was enrolled into school when I was ten years old that I realised it wasn’t normal for a child to live in such violence. After a while, it all became routine. When my

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