Bianca D'Arc
to dispel the
lump that had formed in his throat. “I don’t know what to say.”
    She smiled and reached for his hand, twining her
fingers with his. “Don’t worry, Alex. I’ve known for a long time
and it never mattered to me.”
    “ Not even what it did to me?” He
was talking about the sterility and he read understanding in her
eyes. She knew all about Enhancement. With her security clearance,
he shouldn’t have been surprised.
    “ Never that, Alex. None of it ever
mattered. You are a brave and kind man. That’s all I’ve ever seen
when I looked at you.”
    He couldn’t resist. He tugged on their joined hands,
pulling her gently into his arms. She met him half way, meeting his
lips with hers, sliding her warm arms around him as they tangled
together on the bed.
    Her kiss was as sweet as anything he’d ever tasted.
When he touched his tongue to hers, it was like coming home. This
was the woman he’d unconsciously sought all his life and hoped
never to find. She was the one woman who could smash all his
defenses, make them crumble into dust under her dainty feet. For
her, he would move mountains. He would scale insurmountable
obstacles. He would give her all he was and ask for nothing she did
not give freely in return.
    Alex broke the kiss, looking down into her dazed
eyes. She was as affected as he was. Neither would be able to deny
their shared passion any longer.
    “ Do you want this, my Della? Do
you want me?”
    “ I’ve always wanted you,
Alexander. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you would be
    He read the truth in her eyes, the stark honesty in
her simple words. He couldn’t resist her any longer. He’d waited
too long already. And now they were in mortal danger. There might
not be a tomorrow. He’d wasted so much time.
    “ The day you walked into my bar, I
knew you were trouble.” He cupped her cheek as she smiled, rubbing
the pad of his thumb over her full lower lip. “You are the sexiest,
smartest, sassiest woman I’ve ever known.”
    Her smile widened. “All talk and no action, Alex.
That’s always been your problem.”
    “ Action?” He grinned at her
teasing. “I’ll give you action.”
    He lowered himself over her, taking her luscious
lips with his once more. He could kiss her for a lifetime and never
get enough of the taste of her sweet passion. She was ambrosia. The
finest wine to a thirsty man. A glass of ice water in a dessert.
She was life itself. And all things good.
    His tongue plundered her mouth while his hands
roamed her ripe body.
    She wore only a thin gown which was little barrier
to his questing fingers. She was as soft and warm as he’d always
imagined and as responsive as any man could wish. Pressing her into
the soft mattress, she encouraged him by spreading her legs and
making a place for him where he most wanted to be.
    Oh yes, they were definitely speaking the same
language now. She couldn’t make her desire for his possession any
plainer. The thought pleased him immensely and set fire to his
ardor as nothing else could have done. She wanted him as much as he
wanted her. The waiting was over. The reasons for his self-imposed
denial seemed inconsequential compared to the reality of her in his
arms. Where she belonged.
    Alex slid his fingers under the seals of her gown,
exposing the soft skin beneath. She was as beautifully formed as
he’d imagined. Soft under his hands and responsive to his slightest
touch. Would she taste as sweet? He was dying to find out.
    Dragging his lips from hers, he kissed his way down
her long, slender throat. He could feel her nimble fingers pushing
at the seals of his shirt and trousers as his tongue found the ripe
peak of one breast. She shivered and made bewitching little sounds
in the back of her throat as he took her into his mouth for the
first time. Her back arched, offering more of her bounty as he
plucked her other nipple with the fingers of one hand and sent his
other hand questing below.
    She was hot and

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