Bianca D'Arc
wanted him for a long time.
They were together now. She didn’t know what the future would bring
for either of them. She was winging it and she would enjoy every
second she had with him.
    So much could go wrong in this situation with the
jit’suku. They might not live much longer. Or they might come out
of this smelling like a rose. For once, she had no clear picture of
the future in her mind. There were too many possibilities. Too many
choices to be made by different people. As each decision
manifested, the future shifted. She could see possibilities only.
Right now, many of them ended in death.
    Della shook off the shiver of fear, determined not
to let the possibilities for the future interfere with the moment
at hand. She rose above Alex, running her hands down his broad
chest. Everything about this man lit her fire. He was smart,
cunning, talented and sexy as all get out. He’d tempted her for
months and now he was hers. The brightest spot in this dire
    “ Shall I show you what you’ve been
missing all this time, Alexander?” She pitched her voice low to
tease him. From the way his body shifted under hers, she’d
    His hands lifted to cup her breasts, rubbing her
nipples gently, the way she liked. She pressed into his hands,
purring under his touch. Holding his gaze, she reached behind her
to grasp his cock. It was hardening under her touch and he moved to
give her easier access.
    “ You’re a wicked woman, you are.”
His intimate tone and hooded gaze made her pulse leap.
    It took little effort to bring him back to full
hardness. Soldiers had a reputation for being more virile than
civilian men and Enhanced soldiers—to those in the know—were said
to have even more staying power. The knowledge was something her
superiors had shared with her before sending her off with their
blessings to work in Alex’s bar.
    Because of her gift, she had
always been allowed more discretion than other operatives about
where she needed to be positioned at a particular time. Last year
she’d begun seeing herself at The Rabbit
Hole . She had finally been able to put a
name to the tavern after one particular vision in which she had
seen Alex’s face for the first time. A little classified research
into covert operatives produced Alex’s file image and she had known
exactly where she was supposed to go next.
    The rest was now history. After the pirate attack on
the station, Della had thought maybe her need to be there was over,
but her gift told her she still had something to do there. She had
stayed and this unexpected excursion into the jit’suku galaxy was
the result. Even she had not foreseen this.
    And she had definitely not foreseen bedding Alex. If
she had, she might’ve jumped aboard this tub sooner. She had wanted
him since that first vision and the need for him had never
    “ I want you Alex.” She couldn’t
disguise the need in her voice and didn’t want to. It was time she
laid her cards—at least some of them—on the table.
    “ You’ve got me, sweetheart.” That
devilish smile of his had turned more than one woman’s head. She
squeezed him, using light pressure she hoped would drive him
    “ Right where I’ve wanted you for a
long, long time,” she agreed, slipping downward and positioning
herself over him. “Why haven’t we done this before, Alex?” Her
voice was breathy as she slid onto him, taking him fully within her
in a move that made her quiver with need. “Damn, that feels
    Her eyes closed to slits as pleasure washed over
her. It was only the beginning, she knew. Alex had given her more
pleasure than she’d ever dreamed and she wanted it again. And
    “ To answer your question—” She
could see it took some effort for him to reply. He was as affected
by their joining as she was. Good. “I wanted you the moment I saw
you, Del. I just didn’t want to hurt you.”
    “ Hurt me? How could this hurt me
when it feels so good?” She began to

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