
Read Betrayed for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Betrayed for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Rice
away. She couldn’t stand the feel of his touch. She wanted nothing to do with him. Not ever again.
    “Caitlin!” he exclaimed. “Won’t you just let me explain?”
    But Caitlin didn’t slow. She was a different person, a different being now, and she felt it in more ways than one. Along with her newfound vampire strength, there also came a newfound vampire array of emotions. She could already feel that her emotions were stronger than they had been when human—much, much stronger. She felt everything much more deeply. She didn’t just feel depressed—she felt as if she were literally dying. She didn’t just feel betrayed—she felt as if she were literally being stabbed through the heart. She wanted to tear herself apart, to do anything to stop the hurt that tore her up inside.
    She marched across the terrace and right into her room, slamming the oak door behind her.
    “Caitlin, Caitlin please!” came the muffled voice outside her door.
    Caitlin turned and slammed the door.
    “Go away!” she yelled. “Go back to your wife!”
    After several seconds, she finally sensed him leave.
    Now it was just her. Just the silence. Caitlin sat on the edge of her bed in her small room, put her head in her hands, and cried. She sobbed and sobbed, heart-wrenching cries. She felt that all she had to live for was suddenly taken away.
    She heard a whining, and felt a soft brush against her face, and looked down to see Rose, rubbing her face against Caitlin’s. Rose licked Caitlin’s cheeks, trying to lick away her tears.
    It helped snap Caitlin out of it. She reached down and caressed Rose’s face, stroking her hair. Rose jumped up onto Caitlin’s lap, still small enough to do so, and Caitlin hugged her.
    “I still have you , Rose,” Caitlin said. “You won’t leave me, will you?”
    Rose leaned back and licked her face.
    But the pain was too much. Caitlin couldn’t allow herself to sit in that room one second longer. She felt as if she were about to burst through the walls.
    She looked to the huge window, saw the inviting night sky, and without hesitating, put Rose down, jumped from the bed, took two long strides, and leapt out.
    She knew that her wings would sprout, and carry her away. But a part of her wished they wouldn’t—wished that they would fail her, and let her plummet right to earth.

    Samantha stood in chains. She was held tight by several vampires who grabbed her arms roughly as they dragged her through the huge chamber. The room had become a slaughterhouse. Everywhere she looked, she saw thousands of vampire corpses, her former coven-members, their blood now pooling all over the floor, chopped into pieces by Kyle and his cursed Sword. That Sword held power beyond what she’d imagined.
    Yet amidst all the carnage, several hundred vampires remained alive. Kyle’s people now. And with each passing moment, dozens more poured in through the open doors. In fact, there seemed to be no end to the stream of vampires eager to plead allegiance to Kyle. It was clearly his coven now. With Rexius dead, there was no one else to plead allegiance to. And Kyle had earned it. He had managed to wipe out every vampire that had ever betrayed him.
    There were hundreds of vampires who had assisted him in the battle against Rexius. Some were truly loyal to Kyle, while some were just opportunistic. Others just didn’t like Rexius, and had been waiting for their chance. Vampires poured in from covens all over the city. News spread fast in the vampire world—and they all wanted to be a part of the upcoming war. Whatever their reasons, this was Kyle’s army now.
    Now that Kyle was leader, now that he had the Sword, it was clear that there would soon be a major war, a war unlike any the vampire race had ever waged. Kyle was ruthless, and lusted for blood, and even this carnage had not satisfied him. He had a chip on his shoulder he just could not remove. All of the vampires out there who had not already

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