clench just hearing it. Damn him.
    “Mr Ellis.” I speak confidently. “Give me one moment and I’ll put you through to Mr Walker.”
    “Thank you.” I can hear a smile in his voice. I place him on hold and signal to josh that he has a call waiting. Josh holds up his finger gesturing me to give him a minute. Oh great. I don’t want to have to tell Mr Arrogance that he has to wait. I take a deep breath and pick up the receiver.
    “Mr Ellis, Mr Walker is still on the line speaking to the other party I believe. He’ll only be a moment.”
    “I see, well in that case I'll wait.” I am just about to place him on hold again when he speaks. “Oh and Miss Parker, it was a pleasure to meet you yesterday... again. I look forward to our next meeting.” There is an unspoken promise in his words. My body heats with what? Excitement?
    I remain completely professional with him. “Well, we’ll have a lot of business to sort out over the next week.”
    I hear him chuckle quietly down the phone. "Oh, we most certainly do, you can be sure of it." His voice is deep and husky. My skin breaks out in goose bumps just from hearing it. Damn it, I walked right into that one.
    Josh has put down his call, and before he has time to react I put him through to Josh’s office. I exhale and am a little bit relieved. Just speaking to him makes me want him and I do not want to want him. Even if I were remotely interested, which I'm not, I'm not! I would never demean myself by giving into him just because he’s good looking. I’d be following the same path as god knows how many stupid, naïve girls who have fallen for that face. He’s the sort of man who could make you want him with every fibre of your being. Dangerous…very dangerous.
    The morning passes quickly, and before I know it lunch comes around. I pop my head into josh’s office.
    “I’m going to pop out and grab a sandwich. Would you like anything?” I ask him.
    “If you could grab me a sandwich you’d be a star.”
    “Sure.” I grab my coat and handbag and head out.
    I arrive back twenty minutes later and open the door to Josh’s office. “Here’s your… ” I pause and have to do a double take. Sat opposite Josh is Theodore Ellis, he’s wearing a blue shirt that matches his cobalt blue eyes, with black trousers, no tie. He looks every bit as hot as he did the last time I saw him. They both look up when I enter.
    “Oh, I’m sorry.” I stumble, embarrassed.
    Josh smiles at me, clearly sensing my discomfort. “Thank you Lilly. Please could you grab those contracts for me? Mr Ellis has come to sign them.”
    “Um, yes of course.” I realise that I’m still holding his sandwich. I step inside and place it on the desk, as I do I cannot help but glance at Ellis who’s fixed gaze steadily meets mine, an amused smirk on his face.
    “Lilly?” Josh pulls me from my trance. Stupid, Lilly, sort yourself out. Jesus. You are strong, do not let him render you weak. Men like him can smell weakness like a shark smells blood in the water.
    I turn on my heel and head out of the room to my desk. I take a few seconds longer than necessary to gather the papers whilst I calm myself. The phone rings giving me some extra time.
    “Hello Mr Walker’s office, Lilly Parker speaking.”
    “Lilly, it’s Anya. Mr Simmons would like to see Mr Walker. They had an appointment scheduled for ten minutes ago.”
    “Oh. He’s with a client at the moment. Can you give him ten minutes?”
    “It’s urgent, and his appointments are already tight today.” She sounds apologetic.
    “Ok, I’ll see what I can do.”
    I walk back into Josh’s office determined not to be disarmed by Ellis again.
    “Josh, Anya just called and said you had an appointment with Mr Simmons, you were supposed to be there ten minutes ago.” I say apologetically.
    “Oh god yes. Um, can you phone her back and apologise profusely for me. Tell her I’ll have to reschedule.”
    “Of course.”
    I turn to leave.

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