they pooled their trust funds and started Ellis corporate advertising, the first of goodness knows how many businesses. Theo’s always been a big partier, who knows how he manages to run a successful business, but the guy is living the dream.”
    He is literally the guy that has it all. “How old is he even?” He must be much older than he looks.
    “This is part of why he’s so well known. He’s only twenty seven. Twenty seven and he has all that!” George shakes his head.
    “He must be more than just a pretty face I guess.”
    He nods. “Oh and speaking of pretty faces, I bumped into Cruise leaving this morning." He sighs dreamily. "That boy is all kinds of wrong... the very best kind." He smiles deviously at me.
    "I fell asleep and he took it upon himself to stay. It won't happen again. He knows the rules." I huff.
    "You and your rules." He rolls his eyes dramatically. "But seriously Lill's, you can't hog all the yummy men." He laughs.
    “How did your audition go?” I ask changing the subject quickly.
    “Well I was fabulous of course, but I’ll know tomorrow whether or not they’re blind.”
    My phone starts ringing in my handbag, interrupting George. I leap up to answer it.
    My face breaks into a smile when I see the name on the display. “Harry!” I practically scream down the phone at him.
    “Hey Lill’s. How are you? How’s the city life treating you?” His voice is a soft drawl that I’ve barely heard over the last six months. Harry is my brother, older than me by two years. We've always been very close. He’s been traveling the world for the past six months and god I’ve missed him.
    “It’s great. Different from home, but I’m adjusting. How was travelling?” I’ve been so excited about him coming home. I can’t wait to hear about all his experiences.
    “It was amazing. I’ve got some crazy shit to tell you. I’m flying home on Friday, I land at Heathrow at nine in the morning. Do you mind if I crash on your sofa for a couple of nights?”
    I’m practically squealing with delight. “Of course. Oh my god, I can’t wait to see you.”
    “Me neither. See you soon. Love you Lill’s.”
    “Love you to.” He hangs up. I’m so excited that I’m going to see him, and he’ll finally get to see my new flat.
    I turn to Molly and George. “Harry’s coming back, he’s staying for a couple of days. Is that OK?”
    They both look at each other grinning. “Um, yes.” Molly says, looking at me as if I’m stupid. Molly and George both kind of have a thing for Harry. It’s one of those things that we do not discuss.
    I roll my eyes at them. "I'm going to go have a shower."
    When I arrive at the office the next morning its chaos. Josh is literally running around the office, whilst frantically arguing with various people over the phone. After about twenty minutes he pops his head around the glass partition.
    “Lilly I’m having dramas with the Ellis buyout. The main shareholder has had an offer for his shares from another buyer. Unless we can agree and sign to a deal by tomorrow morning he’s going to sell and the entire sale will go down the drain.” He looks stressed and older than he did yesterday. “I’ve left a message with Mr Ellis’ PA to call me a.s.a.p. so we can get a decision, but he seems pretty set on this buyout so we’ll probably need to get him to sign today.”
    I nod my head at him. “Okay.”
    “I’ll keep you posted. Until then can you write the mortgage exclusion clause into the contract for me? Email it to me when you’re done and I’ll look it over.”
    “Will do.” I reply.
    “Thanks Lilly. You’re a gem.” He winks at me and retires back to his office.
    I pull up the contract and start editing various clauses when the phone rings. I look up to see that josh is on the phone, so I pick up the receiver.
    “Hello Josh Walkers Office, Lilly Parker speaking.”
    “Hello Miss Parker.” Oh shit. His voice is deep and authorative, it makes my thighs

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