softly. She moaned moving into the heat but unlike the sun the heat moved back covering her better.
    She froze, she had memories that went along with the feeling of waking up next to someone she didn’t want near her.
    "Ari, don’t panic, it's okay sweetie."
    She opened her eyes to see Lydia's face.
    She felt her lip tremble, "I did it again, I sent Lucas back." She started to cry sobbing, ignoring the warm body surrounding her.
    Lydia took her hand, "No love you can't. Lucas can't go anywhere. Honey it's okay." She rubbed Ari's arms with her warm hands.
    Ari turned around to see the source of the warmth was Lucas, he sat behind her holding her. She tensed again feeling everyone too close. She sat up feeling the antsy feeling again, she wanted to burst out of her skin running in every direction at once.
    "I didn’t hurt you?"
    He laughed, "It hurts but it doesn’t work on me. You made me pass out. We sort of fell on the ground together."
    Lydia smiled proudly at Lucas, "Well actually he wrapped himself around you before you fell on the ground so you wouldn’t get hurt."
    Ari felt her skin blushing and crawling at the same time. She looked at the faces in the room feeling too much attention on her. She wiped her eyes ashamed of the stranger watching her cry.
    She looked down using every amount of self-control she had to stop herself from losing her mind and attacking everyone.
    "Ari, this is Lucas Rainer, he is, well he lives here too. And behind me is Andy Cromwell, she stays sometimes. Well we all live here when we are in town. This is Brandon Green and this is Aleksander, they don’t exactly live here but they come by from time to time."
    She looked up at the faces surrounding her. The rebellious teenager wanted to shout insults at them all but she nodded saying nothing. She looked at Aimee who walked into the large sitting room seeing everyone. Her eyes stopped on the huge Viking looking guy Ari assumed was Aleksander. She watched as Aimee made an odd face, blushed and walked away from the room.
    Ari looked back at Aleksander whose eyes slanted as he looked off into space.
    "Why don’t we all give Ari a few moments to catch her breath?" The dark haired middle-aged woman behind Lydia spoke softly standing from the chair, "It was nice meeting you sweetie." She walked from the room. Lucas slipped out from behind her moving her gently. He looked back at Ari and winked as he stood and followed the woman out of the room. Ari frowned at him making him smile.
    They all left leaving her alone with Lydia who sat smiling expectantly.
    Ari frowned, "What?"
    "Are you alright?"
    She nodded, "Yeah I think so, I mean I'm tired."
    "Lucas thought you were trying to kill yourself, in the lake. He is quite sensitive about the subject." Her eyes grew very serious, "We all are, for every person who's different like us there are two who have ended it all in misery."
    Ari sat still.
    "He scared me with the pliers."
    Lydia laughed, "He used them to remove the piercing from your lip, nose and eyebrow."
    Ari raised her hands to her face to feel the metal gone, she sighed relieved.
    "I've explained to him that your past is such that being a stranger and coming at you with any kind of tool or weapon or sneaking up on you is probably a bad idea even if the intentions are the best."
    Ari felt her face crumple, "Its not my past Lydia, its someone else's. I had a great childhood. I was a weird kid yes, but my uncle raised me with love. He did. I felt loved every day, he was a friend and a father and a mother. The memories and the pain that the other me had, those are not mine. I don’t want them anymore." She sobbed holding her thin damaged arms out, "I don’t want her scars inside and out, I don’t want her tattoos, I don’t want her piercings, I don’t want her weaknesses."
    She held herself tightly rocking back and forth on the sofa.
    Lydia sat beside her and wrapped her arms around her, "I know love, I know you don't."
    "I like boys, I

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