from her eyes as she saw the gold wedding band on the girls' finger. The house was small but it was full of love. Ari watched as a silver necklace with an L pendant on it hung in the frozen air. Ari reached her hands out touching the silver necklace for just a second as it dropped to the floor. She bent down and picked it up. The metal was still warm from the girls skin. She clutched it feeling relief but awe in the life she had just saved.
    "Angel of mercy, did you see that?" Annabelle whispered softly.
    Ari looked at the crowd that had stood in the hall watching her, everyone had the same stunned expression.
    She swallowed hard, "She went to a better place, I swear. I didn’t kill her. I don’t think I killed her."
    Aimee smiled brightly, "Ari we saw the whole thing. It played like a movie in the air. It's almost like you open a portal. You saved her."
    Ari felt the tears sliding down her cheeks, it wasn’t the old her crying it was the new her.
    "I can save them all." She felt a new hope in her heart. She would sneak back into the orphanage.
    "You don’t know that you can save them all Ari, some yes but others it could get worse."
    She turned to Lydia's concerned face, "I have to try. I can't leave them there in the orphanages getting used and abused. They're children."
    Lydia nodded, "I know sweetie. One day at a time though."
    "Ari you're very lucky to have such an amazing talent in this life."
    She looked up at the devastatingly handsome face of the huge dark blond man she assumed was Aleksander.
    "I don't feel lucky."
    He smiled making her feel funny inside, "You are, trust me."
    He turned and walked away leaving her with a red face. He made her blush just by being near her. She couldn’t help be attracted to him, it seemed as if she had to be.
    She glanced at Lucas who was leaning against the wall watching her. His presence made her uncomfortable. She turned and walked to the front door.
    The cool air hit like a ton of bricks. She felt amazing from releasing the energy in her hands. It made her feel strong and healthy.
    She walked along the edges of the guards putting her hand up against the barrier. She wondered how long she would be forced to remain in behind its unyielding walls.
    Suddenly as she passed by the street again she smelled something, it was like incense but not like a burning smell. It was yummy, she wanted to smell it more. It was subtle as if passing by her riding on the wind.
    "Ari." A voice whispered.
    She looked around the street but she was alone except for the crisp fall leaves passing by her brushing against the cold cement. They scratched their way across the guards as if protesting being forced to leave.
    "Ari, come to me Ari."
    She looked around, "Hello, whose there?"
    The cool wind turned warm for a second. She knew she wasn’t alone but she couldn’t see anyone. The scent became more potent scaring her as the wind picked up. She looked around seeing the trees on the sides of the road not moving but the wind was so strong it nearly blew her over.
    "ARI." The voice screamed for her.
    A hand grabbed her left shoulder pulling her away from the guards. She jumped away turning to see Lucas looking around the street, "Come on Ari." He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the street.
    She let him pull her away from the wind. She ignored the fact she liked the feel of her hand enclosed in his.
    She fought the urge to kick him in the shin and run away. Old Ari liked being near him and she wasn’t about to let paranoid Ari ruin a perfectly good moment with a hot guy.
    The wind died down the closer they got to the house.
    "You can't hover at the guards Ari, you're taunting them."
    She stopped walking but was pulled forward by his strong grip. She jerked her hand from his, "Who are they?"
    Lucas smiled melting her heart a little, "They don’t like us."
    "That doesn’t answer my question."
    "It's something you need Lydia to explain or Ron. Anyway it's a Roses problem and until you're a Rose

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