Balance Of The Worlds
ever do is so binding.”
    And that was where she definitely disagreed.

Chapter Eleven
    She was looking at him like he was a fool. Yet… “What destiny drives you thus?”
    “I do not know.”
    He did not hold the Fates above anything, yet many of her people did. Why? That was one trait that separated the Nellana from the Lothon. To his Kind, following the Fates seemed so illogical, many rarely did.
    “Why do you follow the Fates so closely?”
    “I was taught to.”
    “By whom?” He knew of her family life before the tragedy that had driven her into his world five thousand years ago. She hadn’t been particularly close to her family. One reason she had become the patron of families once arriving in his home world.
    “By experience.”
    Was she exasperated with him? Why? “Tell me so that I may help you.”
    “I cannot stay here in this room. There are those I must speak with and soon.” She looked around for a moment, confusion in her eyes. “I…hand me my clothes, Lotho.”
    For the first time since he’d tracked her to this world, he took a look at her. Fully looked at her. She wore nothing but a thin white nightdress that hinted at the treasures beneath. It was so thin over her breasts he could see dark shadows where her nipples were. His mouth went instantly dry. Her dark hair was tangled down her back. Why? She looked like she’d just crawled out of some male’s bed. Had she looked like this the morning after he’d left her? “Were you resting?”
    “I think I was. The shock of finding my sister hit me hard. I don’t remember changing into this gown. Phaenna and Aureliana maybe. Hand me my clothes.”
    Lothonos didn’t want to. Her sleep clothes made her look so soft and feminine.
    He hadn’t always thought so.
    Lothonos had at first preferred her friend. Kennera had been so sweet and vulnerable, if young and impetuous, when she and Nelciana had arrived as refugees from their home. Nelciana had come across as tough and angry and protective, though she had been slightly shorter and curvier than Kennera.
    He’d fallen hard for Kennera’s softness and hadn’t even considered the slightly older female.
    Until it became clear to him that Kennera was meant for another. That had left only Nelciana for his purposes. His attraction for her had grown from that point.
    He knew she thought he’d only wanted her as a second choice, and perhaps he had one hundred years ago. But that had changed. How that had changed…
    And he had not forgotten what had been between them. He never would. But he put the vestis and pardus she was reaching for in her outstretched hands.
    “Turn around.”
    Indignation? When he had seen her unclothed before? “I have seen you naked before.”
    “ Once . And for a very specific purpose. That isn’t ever going to happen again.”
    He wanted it to. Very much so. But he wisely didn’t mention that to her. “I am still waiting for the answers. What are you to do here?”
    “I don’t know , Lotho. If I did…I’m not certain I would tell you.”

Chapter Twelve
    Her words hurt him. She could tell that from the way his coldly handsome face tightened.
    She said nothing else, instead dressing quickly. What did it matter if he saw her naked? He was right—it wasn’t the first time.
    And if it was enough to move him, it would shock the three hells out of her. Nothing turned him on, except whatever plan he had churning around in his head.
    She was honestly surprised he’d been able to perform the night the babes were made. No doubt it had been difficult for him, preferring Kennera as he did.
    Still…she could not resent him for that bargain. Not when it got her Dres and Nella. “My sword, Lotho. Hand it to me.”
    It had been her mother’s. Her mother had been a practitioner of the ancient Evelanedean nature’s ways. They favored peace and harmony over most things. But that didn’t mean her mother hadn’t known how to protect herself. Or that she

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