Balance Of The Worlds
through one of the most dangerous areas in Levia with my children in their arms. And the mother of those children is off in another world. I want an explanation.”
    “I do not owe you anything. I made the decision I felt was best. You know we are at war, Lotho. You know that.”
    “Yes. I know. I have been busy working on strategies with the Lupoiux god and every important damned demon in four different worlds. How does that justify you endangering the babes that way?”
    “Because the Fates told me that the babes would be safest in your care while I do what I must do.” While she fought, died, led her people to the slaughter. How could she convey her fear to him? Why did she have the overwhelming desire to do just that?
    “And just what is it that is so important to you now? That woman?”
    “She is my sister. Cursed as a Laquazzeana thousands of years ago. She is just now returned to us. I needed to be here. The Fates decreed it.”
    “Fuck the Fates. You endangered our children for a woman you have not seen in five thousand years? I do not understand.”
    “I did not endanger them. I never would, Lotho. Do you think me such a bad mother, then?”
    His eyes narrowed slightly. He had eyes so brown they looked black. Fathomless and all-knowing. He’d absorbed some of her mother’s peoples into his own lines millennia before she had ever traveled to his homeworld of Gaia. They had intermingled with whatever followers he had at the time. When she’d brought the surviving members of her Kind to Gaia, many of males had left her little band of followers to align more with the God of Logic. They had felt safer with the established Gaian Kind, and had left her and her followers to find their own way in Gaia.
    And her Kind had. They had survived. And they had grown. Under her leadership. Didn’t he see that?
    Lothonos’ people had formed with just enough of her mother’s gifts within them to tie Lothon Druids with Nellana Druids and Witches for eternity. And many of their peoples had intermarried through the years. She was as intimately aware of his people as she was her own, in many ways.
    Lothon Druids prided themselves on their lack of emotion.
    Her people were the exact opposite. They used feelings to guide them through their lives. Why would she be any different?
    “Of course I do not. Reports are that the babes are happy, healthy, and thriving. As I knew they would be.”
    She knew what he hadn’t said. When he’d selected her to breed his children. And that was exactly what it was—he’d wanted his children to be the ones to balance the worlds after Kennera and Eiophon had conceived their own twins. And he’d chosen her because he knew she’d love having the babes.
    And he’d been right. She’d wanted the children so very much. And she’d accepted his bargain because he’d promised her little involvement after the birth. And he’d kept his promise.
    She’d give him that.
    But now things would have to change. He would have to take a more active role with the children. “You have someone who reports on the children?”
    “Of course I do. They are my children. My line. I want to know that they are well and having their needs met. I sensed the moment you sent them into those infernal woods. Sensed the moment you arrived here.”
    “I don’t appreciate spies in my house, Lotho. If you have concerns about the children, you ask me. Or better yet, come visit with them. I will not stop you.”
    “And get them attached to a father that is not able to be there with them always? We are at war. I am a god of logic and strategy, of war. How can I make time for babes?”
    His confusion hurt her. Not for him, but for the babes who would one day have so many questions. “How can you not? As you said, they are your line.”
    “But it would only hurt them more, would it not? To have me around some of the time but not all? That is not clear, nor is it logical to a babe.”
    “No, but if they loved you it

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