Arielle Immortal Passion

Read Arielle Immortal Passion for Free Online

Book: Read Arielle Immortal Passion for Free Online
Authors: Lilian Roberts
were both looking forward to setting their feet on the ground again.
    Still, aside from the unsettling incident of the woman on the hill, Arielle had to admit that she had enjoyed the ride, and learning about the place. Sebastian reached up and, setting his hands on her waist, he helped her off the horse. His arms pulled her close. He leaned in and held her to a kiss.
    “You looked so great on that horse. I want you to learn to ride with me, share this passion of mine,” he murmured, kissing her again.
    “I will,” she promised.
    They were served an exquisite dinner, and they all ate with great appetite. Sebastian told them about his amazing family background, and the more he talked, the more questions their friends had for him. As for Arielle, she could listen to him talk forever.
    “There’s something magical about him,” Eva whispered in Arielle’s ear.
    “Yes, there is…” Arielle thought, but she didn’t say anything, she just nodded agreeably. Gabrielle was the only one who knew the truth about Sebastian and Troy.
    “How wonderful it must be to belong to such an old and great family,” Ian exclaimed. Sebastian just put his hand over Arielle’s and squeezed it.
    “Thank you, Ian,” he said shyly.
    It was very late when they all decided to go to bed. Ian put his arm around Eva’s waist and pulled her toward the massive staircase. “Come on, baby, let’s go to bed, I’m tired,” he said. Turning around to face their friends they bid them goodnight and climbed the stairs slowly. Once they were out of sight, Troy turned to look at Arielle.
    “What happened out there?”
    Arielle arched an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said, pretending to be oblivious.
    “Come on, Arielle, Eva told us that you went limp on that horse. Spit it out, what happened?”
    “Troy, I’m scared of horses, ask Gabby, she’ll tell you,” she said, gesturing toward Gabby.
    “Yes, she is,” Gabby said, looking at Troy inquiringly.
    Troy reached over and clasped Gabrielle’s hand warmly, giving it a soft squeeze. Turning his attention back to Arielle he stared at her for a long moment. “Arielle, it’s me you are talking to,” he insisted. “And I have a strong feeling that what happened back there was not just about being afraid of horses.”
    Arielle considered his question. A frowned emerged in the middle of her forehead. She spoke quietly, “Well, Ian said that he saw a woman up on the hill, and when I looked up I saw her standing there watching us. She really gave me the creeps,” she murmured, and shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. Her gaze darted from Troy to Gabby, to Sebastian, and then back to Troy again. She was weighing whether she should reveal her fears about Annabel freely or not. She then turned to Sebastian. “Can we stop at their room and talk?”
    “Yes, sure,” Sebastian replied.
    When there were in their friends’ bedroom, they closed the door, and Arielle, turned to Troy. “The woman we saw this afternoon was Annabel, Sebastian’s ex,” she said, and shivered at the thought.
    Surprised, he turned to Sebastian with a quizzical look. “What is this all about?”
    Sebastian exhaled a frustrated sigh, and cursed inwardly. “We are sure that Annabel is following us, determined to terrorize Arielle. I’m also very sure that Annabel had everything to do with Savanna, Julia, and Paola showing up in Brighton.” He glanced at Arielle and smiled lightly, trying to look relaxed, feeling anything but. His gaze turned to Troy, as he said, “Arielle is sure that Annabel showed up today. I didn’t see her myself, so I hope that she is wrong. But one thing is indisputable, Annabel is pure evil.”
    Troy didn’t seem surprised. “I have had some of the same issues with old girlfriends, just not quite as bad,” he said. “I was never married to any of them, but nonetheless they are just as determined and as willing to destroy my life, and for that matter Gabrielle’s

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