Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March

Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March for Free Online

Book: Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March for Free Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
entry elevator.  Archer and Redbeard stood guard, The Twin and The Colonel sitting behind them also munching on a quick meal.
    Another explosion rocked the complex, though this time we covered our food in time.  The Colonel insisted that no matter what, we get a decent meal into us tonight, because it could be the last time we eat properly for a while.
    This time we heard the hoots of invading bandits for just a couple of seconds before they blew themselves to smithereens on another sneakily placed mine.  The Colonel smiled in satisfaction as they died.
    Another group of raiders followed them a short while later, this time being far more cautious than their brethren.  However, we were able to hear them coming, and The Colonel pulled the pin from a grenade, holding onto it for just a couple of seconds before throwing it neatly amongst a group of four of them, part exile, part bandits.  The resultant explosion threw parts of exile and parts of bandits all over the place.
    We ran, after that, all the way to the far end of The Think Tank, stopping only to smash the screens in the computer labs.  Once we reached the elevator to the older complex, we had only a short while to wait while it ascended before we descended, once again, into The Depths.

March 9Year 1 A.Z.
    Reasoning that The Family would be busily celebrating their acquisition of The Think Tanks supplies of food and water, we were able to sleep soundly on the way down, at least as soundly as you can sleep in an elevator!  Upon reaching bottom, however, we ran around to the nearest free office to bed down for the rest of the night.  The Twin ran off to see if the elevator had been tampered with in any way while the rest of us nibbled on some cheese and bread that The Colonel had stashed in her backpack.
    We gathered on the lower level, at the entrance to the long stairs down to the tunnel out.  Firecracker had already sent Auntie and Gift-Shop Girl ahead with The Children, as well as a few of the newcomers.  Junior was with them as well, she thought.  The Smart Couple, along with Doctor and Nurse, were to head downstairs, waiting about halfway down for the rest of us.  They had just left when The Colonel asked me to hand her the id card that opened up the missile silo.
    Searching my pockets, I found nothing other than my weapons and some spare ammunition.  I then put my backpack on the ground in order to go through it, but The Colonel told me to stop.  She then ordered us all downstairs immediately.  When I asked her why, she told me that Junior had stolen the badge from me, and we had better get the fuck clear of this place by the time he pushes that button.

    Eventually we reached the bottom of the massive stairwell, though I at least felt as though we nearly died getting there.  As we passed the group of medical and technical geniuses, we told them to follow us, The Colonel explaining the situation on the fly.  Everybody understood the need for haste, and by the time we finally reached the bottom we were all out of breath.
    Gift-Shop Girl, Auntie and The Children were hurrying back towards the stairs, shouting when they reached us “Dead in the tunnel!”  The Colonel made them slow down, take a breath and speak one at a time.  Gift-Shop Girl told us that the noise of putting up the gateway must have attracted the attention of some of the Dead that had been passing nearby.
    “No choice, we've got to go through them!”  The Colonel shouted, leading the charge down the hallway at a comfortably paced jog.  The rest of us followed suit, pulling out our pistols.  After an hour or so of trotting, we could hear the sounds of combat from ahead.  Another twenty minutes and we saw Foreman and a couple of the other newcomers trying to hold back a wave of Dead that had wandered inside the tunnel.
    Speeding up to a sprint, firing into the wall of Dead, The Colonel shouted at them to get their heads

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