Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March

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Book: Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March for Free Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
up to us easily enough, Sister running past them, dodging and weaving through the Dead like a professional after the couple from Japan.
    The devastation that the carpet of Dead had left in their wake was total, utter, and complete.  Nothing remained of houses that they had torn through except an occasional wall left standing.  There had been several victims of the horde, that much was evident by the fresh blood smeared here and there amongst the destruction.
    It did, however, make walking through the flattened suburbs of Melbourne an interesting and, at least in terms of travel, a swift journey.  We managed to find a lot of familiar faces, though most of the newcomers had died breaking out of the tunnel.  Foreman, one of the first to make a break for it, was far ahead of the rest of us, and had already started a fire in a relatively unmolested house that actually managed to still retain two walls that intersected with one another.  This fire served as a beacon for the rest of The Think Tanks survivors.
    By the time Apocalypse Girl and I arrived with Redbeard and The Colonel, Doctor and Nurse were already there checking Sister and Foreman out for possible injuries.  The four of us were next under Doctor's scrutiny.  He smiled slightly, grunting with satisfaction upon declaring me fit and well.  Nurse had just declared Apocalypse Girl healthy when Firecracker arrived, followed almost instantly by Archer and The Twin.
    We sat, watching the glow that had once been the sun sinking below the horizon when a new sun lit up the evening sky from a mountaintop to the northwest.  Shielding our eyes from the blast as quickly as we were able, nothing could prepare us for the shockwave that followed.  Those of us standing were knocked clean off our feet by a blast of intensely hot air.  The two walls left standing of this house fell.
    When we regained our senses, we fixated on a plume of steam rising from what had once been The Think Tanks water supply lake.  The Colonel surmised that the entire lake had probably been vaporised by the intense heat and radiation from the blast.  Whatever the cause, it was the first bit of colour we had seen since the first snows had fallen.
    Above the remains of The Think Tank, a vibrant, brilliant rainbow of colour brought some hope into our dreary existence, caused by Junior's nuclear sacrifice.

March 10Year 1 A.Z.
    Eleven of us.  Only eleven of us survived the war, brief though it was, and the escape through a hungry horde of Dead.  Spat out into the devastation that had once been suburban Melbourne, we once more had to scrounge for food and other supplies.  Apocalypse Girl at least had the foresight to grab her bag of lighters, so at least fire was not an issue, but with only one bag of food between eleven of us we were going to have a few difficulties soon enough.
    The carpet of Dead that had swarmed out from Melbourne had done us one favour, at least.  The way they had flattened the neighbourhood made for easy travel, and we could see any stragglers and dispatch them long before they became aware of us.
    Doctor and Nurse had grabbed what medical supplies they had managed to scrape together, but the small Japanese man insisted they needed more.  Looking at the bag full of bandages and antibiotics and syringes mixed with other assorted medical items that I am certain have names, probably long and hard to pronounce ones, I saw that he was correct.  There was not a lot in there, and it was already a pitifully small bag.
    The Colonel wanted to continue towards Canberra, as had always been the plan in the first place, but agreed that the need for medical supplies outweighed everything else.  We needed to find a hospital to raid, she told us.  Sister wanted to take a small group and search the area we had found her, hoping that the devastation wasn't complete enough that the food stashes she had secreted around the place were still in

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