An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal

Read An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal for Free Online

Book: Read An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal for Free Online
Authors: Ally Blue
lack of enthusiastic greeting when Cecile and I walked in. You were wanting to see Bo.” Sam shrugged, feeling sheepish. “Kind of, yeah.” Dean clutched dramatically at his chest. “Geez, Sam. Break my heart, why don’t you?”
Sam had to laugh. “Wonder what Kyle would say to that?” Dean had been dating Kyle DuPree ever since they’d met at the beach back in May. It was the longest Dean had ever been with any one lover in the eleven months or so Sam had known him.
    Sadness fleeted through Dean’s eyes and was gone before Sam could decide if he’d really seen it or not. “We broke up.” Sam blinked. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
    “Naw, it’s okay. Kyle was great, but nothing lasts forever, right?” Dean jumped to his feet, his smile a little too wide to be real. “Okay, I guess I’m heading out. See y’all tomorrow.”

    They all called goodbyes as Dean sauntered out the door with a wave. David shook his head. “I’d say he needs to get laid, but he already gets laid too much as it is.”
    “He needs a relationship that’ll last, and that’s something he has to be ready for before it’ll ever work.” Cecile bent and kissed the top of David’s head. “Are you almost finished with your case report? We should head home ourselves.” Straightening up, she turned to Sam. “Unless you want us to stay with you and wait?” He did, but he wasn’t about to say so. David and Cecile had worked just as long a day as he had, and were no doubt anxious to get home. He wasn’t about to keep them 33
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from their private time out of a selfish wish for someone to keep him company while he worried out loud.
    “No, y’all go on. I’ll be fine.” Sam gestured toward the half-finished report still open on his computer screen. “I have to finish this anyhow.” David shut down his computer, stood and flashed Sam a teasing grin. “Next time maybe you’ll finish up your work like some of us did instead of sitting over there stewing in angst.”
    Sam snorted. “Ass.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re so anxious for Bo to get back. You want some ass. ” David slugged Sam in the shoulder. “You horn dog.”
    “David, stop being childish.” Moving to Sam’s side, Cecile took his hand and squeezed it. “Are you sure you’re okay alone, Sam?” Before Sam could answer, the door banged open, making all three of them jump. Bo stormed in, cheeks red and eyes snapping. “One day, that fucking woman is going to drive me around the fucking bend.”
    “So it didn’t go well, huh?” David guessed.

    “It could’ve been a lot worse, really. She’s just so damn frustrating.” Sighing, Bo perched on the edge of Danny’s desk and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “God, I’m tired.”
    “We can head on home, if you want.” Setting his partially finished juice beside his computer, Sam stood, leaned over the desk and started massaging the tension out of Bo’s upper back. “I’m almost done with my case report. I can finish it up in the morning.” Bo gave Sam a wan smile over his shoulder. “I’d like that.”
    “Aren’t you going to tell us what you worked out with Janine about the investigation?” Cecile frowned. “And where’s Andre?”
    “He dropped me off here and went on. He promised to baby-sit for his sister tonight.” Bo shifted sideways to face Sam. “We’re starting the investigation at Lee and Janine’s place on Friday night. Sean and Adrian are both staying over with friends that night. We’ll go back on Monday during the day, when the kids are in school.” David’s eyebrows went up. “So she only wants us to be there when the boys aren’t?” 34
An Inner Darkness
Bo grimaced. “Sort of.”
    An ugly feeling settled in Sam’s gut. He suspected David was right, and Sam himself was the main reason Janine didn’t want the boys around during the investigation.

    Cecile cleared her throat. “Okay. Well, David and I are going home.

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