An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov)

Read An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov) for Free Online

Book: Read An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov) for Free Online
Authors: Thomas Gondolfi
avoiding starvation, food often seemed sacred . The laws were selectively enforced, but the punishment for tampering with the Emergency Subsistence Act of ’26 was execution by starvation.
    “I don’t want either of us to die,” he said , absently watching the kitten poke its head under one of his dirty shirts on the floor, “ b ut if I get caught with you, there isn’t a thing in this world that ’s going to save me .”
    The object of Tony’s dilemma stalked an errant dust-bunny with a wiggle of its bottom and tail high in the air . “I just can’t imagine pushing you into the calorie reclamation bin . You’d be ground into paste and flushed into the city’s food return . It’d be the lawful thing, but not the right thing .
    “With that said, I guess I better take the appropriate precautions .” Tony securely locked and bolted his front door and switched on the active security measures . The kitten bounced across the floor and sat in the middle of the room , looking up at its new owner . “I haven’t a clue how to take care of you, but we’ll learn together.
    “What are we going to name you, hmm?”

    Establish Plan
    Coffee ( no longer grown anywhere on Earth ) , fresh cranberry muffins , and living servants — genetically engineered deaf/mutes , of course — attended the corporate heads to the faint strains of Mozart lilting across the room in time to a medley of mint scents .
    “As you know, we needed a human weapon,” said Nanogate , the plan’s progenitor . “ S omeone who isn’t in the critical path of any of our programs. I want to thank all of you for access to your personnel files . In this case , we didn’t need them . I think we have the one we want . This one is exceptional ly qualified for the task .”
    The room dimmed and a solid projection of a large , swarthy man floated above the table . Thick black h air spilled over his back like tar pouring from his head . C urly pubic and chest hair were his dignity’s only protection as the solidograph rotated . “Born in Corvallis , Oregon , in ’ twenty-eight , he ’ s a second - generation Turkish refugee of the Chinese Amalgamation . No genetic manipulation of the birth, save the standard subdermal cybernetic implant . L eft hand replaced with a Dec m odel f ive-dot-three cosmetic when the original was crushed in a lift-car accident at the age of five . In his teen years , he worked for Downput Demolition Company and learned how to handle and manipulate shaped explosives.
    “He obtained a m aster ’ s degree in Molecular Mechanical Engineering . He has an aptitude of eighty-fourth, physical of ninety-first and an individuality quotient of ninety-sixth percentiles . He possesses first - aid skills and leadership ability, both officially unrated but present — our sims say above eightieth percentile in both .”
    “He ’s currently employed by Nanogate Dental Products Division and thus at our complete disposal per our standard binding employee contract,” offered another of the executive s .
    “In short,” the plan’s owner continued, “this is the perfect rebel and skill set for our GAM targets . Per the plan, I suggest we make certain he isn’t wasted within our corporation but rather finds a new home with our target .”
    “Any known medical issues?”
    “None . Standard childhood diseases: m umps, measles, and Martian sand lice . No known immunities and his only allergy is to eight of the old antibiotics, level four — annoyance only.”
    “A one-year term marriage at eighteen that both walked away from without looking back . Parents have been dead for over a year as the result of an industrial accident in the water purifying plant where they worked . His current girlfriend’s profile reads, in short, pliant to our needs.
    “Gentlebeings, I’ve covered his life in great detail . He’s an underachiever who thinks he’s better than he seems willing to produce . He tends toward

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