An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov)

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Book: Read An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov) for Free Online
Authors: Thomas Gondolfi
loquacity —”
    “Excuse me . Loquacity?” asked Taste Dynamics , a gaunt woman devoid of outward sexual characteristics .
    “Talkativeness, inability to keep his mouth shut.”
    “Thank you.”
    “To continue, he had a three-point-two GPA through high school and college and not a single one of his teachers seem s to be able to remember him . He never joined a fraternity.”
    “The models we’ve built show a seventy-eight percent chance that our subject will be taken into GAM and a twenty percent chance that they ’ll destroy him outr — ”
    “Wouldn’t his destruction impact our overall goal?” interrupted P udgy .
    “Even if they kill him, there ’ s a sixty-three percent chance our plan will succeed anyway.”
    “Sixty-three ? Planning on sixty-three percent seems on the weak side to carry any action forward ,” commented Percomm Systems .
    “We aren’t planning on sixty-three percent , but rather seventy-eight percent plus sixty-three percent of twenty percent or a total of ninety point six percent chance, or less than a ten percent of failure,” he said directly to P udgy . Nanogate’s eyes then cast about the rest of the membership . “Let me add that the worst thing that can happen with a failure is that we’ve lost one insignificant employee . We can then choose to either pick a new pawn or we can look at a new plan.”
    No more discussion presented itself . Several attendees physically as well as mentally closed their folders on this topic . Not one of these individuals clawed their way to the pinnacle of power without using people . Only one had yet to directly order a person killed . None even hesitated at the use of one more . The choice passed without debate .
    * * *
    Sonya opened the door to the outer foyer . A tiny , weasel-like man, impeccably dressed in a tailored three - piece Kao Brothers suit, held a caramel - colored Chihuahua in his lap . The tiny dog, no larger than a dessert plate, shivered constantly . The situation wasn’t right , but Sonya motioned them into her examining room anyway . The seemingly sterile room looked like something out of an old medical flattie , with an examination table, removable paper covers, a small and uncomfortable chair, a swivel stool , and all manner of antiquated , shiny , and manual -oriented medical equipment .
    “You do know that owning an animal in the state of Oregon is a felony ? And a capital offense at that ?” Sonya asked the se question s of all her new customers as a matter of policy .
    He hugged the dog tighter to himself as it squirmed in place. “Yes, but I ’ ve bought the police in my precinct .”
    She nodded . Anyone who could own a Kao Brothers suit obviously held some clout . This one obviously swung his with abandon. “A different solution than most of my clientele, but completely acceptable . Payment is due now . I take actual credit slips, plastic money, proteins, plants, medicines, charcoal, or chocolate .” Her customer looked up sharply at that last . She smiled brightly . “I have a weakness for chocolate, but finding a supply is difficult .” Cocoa was another plant which no longer grew on E arth .
    “I can pay with any of those you wish in the future, but would prefer electronic credit.”
    “No . I have no electronics in my home . No motors, no computers, no vidlinks, no technology I can do without.”
    “I ’ m a member of the Greenpeace organization, but I don’t participate in any of their foolish extreme actions .”
    “I’m sorry . I didn’t mean —”
    “Don’t be sorry . I’m not . I just wish the world were a slightly different place . I was born in the wrong age . Two hundred years ago, there were no prohibitions to keeping animals and there were only a handful of creatures on the endangered species list .” Sonya paused , looking thoughtfully into space . Her customer remained politely silent . “Anyway, enough of that . So I won’t take

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