All Was Revealed

Read All Was Revealed for Free Online

Book: Read All Was Revealed for Free Online
Authors: Adele Abbott
    “Briefly, she gave me a call.”
    “Are you two back together again?”
    “It’s not as easy as that. The cut runs very deep. Have you forgotten she ran off with my brother? I’ve told her that I’ll need a little time to think it over.”
    Mrs V had asked if she could pop out for a few minutes. She wanted to pay a visit to Ever A Wool Moment to change some of the colours in her Everlasting Wool subscription. While she was gone, I sat at her desk for a while—for a change of scenery, and also because Winky was getting more and more tetchy at his inability to beat his personal best juggling record.
    While in the outer office, I heard voices out on the landing. It was Gordon Armitage, and Armi.
    “I’ve told you, Joseph, you should have nothing to do with that woman.”
    “But, Gordon, we’re in love.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t known her long enough to be in love with her. And besides, she works for that dreadful private investigator. I want you to have nothing more to do with her.”
    “But, Gordon, Annabel and I—”
    “I said you’re to drop her! Do you hear me?”
    “But, Gordon—”
    “I don’t want to hear any more about it, and I do not expect you to see her again.”
    Poor old Armi. He stood no chance against that bully, Gordon. It made me so angry. I couldn’t let Gordon Armitage spoil what Mrs V and Armi had going; I had to do something about it. Mrs V had warned me off, and made me promise to stay out of it, but how could I?
    When I opened the door, Gordon had gone, but Armi was still standing there. He looked shell shocked after the tongue lashing he’d just received.
    “Oh? Hello, Jill.”
    “Are you okay, Armi?”
    “Not really. I’m afraid I may have to stop seeing Annabel.”
    “I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” I cast a spell. “Why don’t you give it some thought before you rush into anything.”
    He looked a little dazed; the spell was obviously starting to take effect. “Okay. Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Jill.”

Chapter 5
    The twins and Aunt Lucy regularly took Barry for a walk, so I knew he was getting plenty of exercise, but he was meant to be my dog, and it seemed ages since I’d taken him out.
    The twins were busy behind the counter in Cuppy C, so I didn’t like to disturb them. I just went straight upstairs.
    “Jill! Jill! Can we go for a walk?” Barry was all over me. “Jill! I want to go to the park. Can we see Babs? Can we go for a walk now, please?”
    You always knew where you stood with Barry; he never changed. Crazy as a box of crazy frogs.
    “Yes, we’ll go to the park now.”
    “Can we see Babs?”
    “Sorry, no. It’ll be just you and me, today. I think Babs is still away with Dolly.”
    “Aww! I want to see Babs!”
    “Do you want to go to the park or not?”
    “Yes! Let’s go to the park. I want to go for a walk. Let’s go for a walk.”
    Barry dragged me every step of the way as per usual. When we reached the park, I let him off the lead, and off he ran. I sat on a bench; I knew that in time, he’d wear himself out and come find me.
    I’d been there for no more than twenty minutes when I spotted a dog that I recognised. It was Babs. She was on the lead, but I didn’t recognise the man who was walking her. Had he stolen her? I had to find out before he disappeared with her.
    “Excuse me,” I called. “Hello, there!”
    The man was obviously wondering if he knew me. “Hello?”
    “My name’s Jill Gooder. Is that Babs?”
    “It is. Do you know her?”
    “Yes. My dog, Barry, often goes for a walk with her.”
    “You must be the private investigator lady?”
    “That’s me.”
    “Dolly told me all about you. I believe you’ve helped Dorothy.”
    “That’s right. And you are?”
    “Sorry. I’m Nigel West. I—err—and Dolly—we—err—are kind of an item. We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise. Dorothy has never mentioned

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