All That I See - 02

Read All That I See - 02 for Free Online

Book: Read All That I See - 02 for Free Online
Authors: Shane Gregory
allow toward the highway. The race track and ExpoCenter are up on a hill and are accessed via long, narrow roads that curve around the hill on both sides and meet up at the main entrance to the highway.
    When I got closer to the highway I saw why the infected had not entered the grounds; there was a ten foot tall chain link fence around it. I'd probably driven past that place a thousand times and never noticed that fence. The gate was shut. It was one of those that rol led off to the side on a track.
    The undead were on the other side--hundreds of them. They began to howl and moan when they saw me. I had to get out of there before Wheeler and Friends woke up. I ran along the fence, looking for a safe place to cross, and they ran with me. Even with a bad ankle, I was still faster. What ended up ha ppening was I caused a pile-up.
    I jogged along the side, and as they noticed me they would follow, but they were a little slow to decide that was what they wanted to do. The ones that had already started follow would bump into the ones still making up their "mind." There were a couple of domino falls which slowed them down further. Then, just when they were getting clustered together, I switched direction and ran the other way. That was all it took. They were a tangled mess after that. A few stragglers still pursued me, but I liked my chances.
    A couple of hundred yards around the base of the hill, I found a place where a drainage ditch passed under the fence. There was enough space underneath for me to pass as well. The only problem was that with all the rain, the ditch was waist deep in frigid water.
    I stripped down to my bare ass and held my clothes and machete over my head. I was shivering before I even got in the water. The shock of the cold water was unbelievable. I got under as quickly as I could, praying my bare feet would not step on a broken bottle or rusty piece of metal.
    Once I was out of the creek, I dried off with my T-shirt. I was shaking almost uncontrollably. I put my clothes on and headed for the nearest house right across the street from the fairgrounds. I didn’t plan to stay long; I just need ed to get some shelter from the zombies, some extra clothes or a coat, and hopefully a bite to eat. I hoped to be on my way to Blaine’s within an hour.

    The door was unlocked, and it was dark inside. I’d learned something in the past few weeks about entering houses: if they were unlocked there was a good chance they’d be occupied. I knew this place was occupied as soon as I stepped in the door because of the heavy stench of death. I lit the Zippo so I could see. It wasn’t much help.
    I was so cold, and I just wanted to take care of the resident zombies so I could get myself a coat, some supplies, and be on my way. They didn’t make themselves known right away. I lucked out that the house had an actual coat closet right by the front door. I opened it and pulled out the one that looked the warmest and put it on. I checked through the window to see how many had followed me. There were only four of them out there, so I wasn’t too worried.  There was a decorative candle on the coffee table, so I lit it, and took it into the kitchen.
    I found a set of keys on the kitchen counter and took them. I needed something I could eat on the run. I didn’t have the time or the means to cook a meal, but I sure needed a hot meal right then. That dip in the drainage ditch really took a lot out of me. I just couldn’t quit shivering. The kitchen didn’t offer very much in terms of fast food. There were a lot of canned goods, and if it had been another time, I would have cleaned them out. I got a small bag of corn chips and three cans of potted meat and put them in the pocket of my new coat. I opened the refrigerator, but everything in there was perishable and had perished long before.
    When I shut the refrigerator door, they were right there. It was an elderly couple, and like the contents of the fridge, they

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