Alien Salvation
neck. Like
the fabled vampire, he drew on her blood. She heard him swallow,
and her head fell back on his shoulder. Knowing he fed on her, she
eagerly acquiesced to his hunger. It gave her a strange sense of
elation she couldn’t understand. And it made her fervent to be
possessed sexually again. Her secret flesh pulsed with renewed
    His mouth left her neck. “Matara,” he
whispered in her ear. His warm breath made her skin erupt in
    She turned her head to look in Japohn’s
eyes. Their cool depths consumed her. “What does Matara
    The word niggled at Lindsey’s
intoxicated conscience. She’d not considered the Kalquorians could
get her pregnant. But that was what the war had been about;
Kalquor’s need for mates and Earth’s refusal to provide
    She knew she should be concerned about
the consequences of sex with the men, but she’d already mucked it
up with the first two. And feeling Japohn hard and ready against
her incited too much lust to think her way around. She’d worry
about it later.
    Japohn kissed her, his mouth more
demanding than the other two had been. One arm still wrapped around
her waist, holding her off the floor, and the other slid down her
concave belly to search out her sex. Lindsey bucked against his
knowing fingers as they found her softest flesh, and she moaned
around the invading tongue. She gushed honey, and Japohn growled
against her lips.
    He lowered her onto the bed, putting
her on all fours. His mouth released her, and after sweeping her
hair over one shoulder, he kissed a path up her spine to the back
of her neck. Japohn knelt over her, covering her with his solid
warmth. His arm left her waist, and he gripped one breast in his
palm. He kneaded the soft mound.
    The other hand never missed a beat as
it rubbed her wet folds. Lindsey moaned, lost in a haze of desire
as he handled her expertly. When his thighs pressed against hers,
she obligingly slid her knees farther apart, giving him complete
access to her womanhood.

    Japohn’s sexes brushed her anus and
vulva, and somewhere in her excitement, Lindsey realized it was the
larger member homing in on her tightest orifice. She knew he
couldn’t take her that way, not with his girth, but she was too
aroused and intoxicated to resist. Fortunately, Japohn wasn’t as
far gone as she was. His hand left off its delightful torment of
her nether lips to adjust himself. His penis slid down her crevice
until it found her more pliant opening, leaving the smaller organ
to rub against her clitoris.
    Lindsey warbled a happy sound as Japohn
pressed into her. Her inner walls expanded to welcome the thick
visitor. In he traveled, deeper and deeper to claim her innermost
recesses. Towards the end, her body became a little more grudging
in its acceptance, yielding with an ache almost as sweet as the
pleasure suffusing her lower regions. Her breath came in little
gasps as he came to his end, rooted firmly within her tight
    As needful as his clanmates, Japohn
wasted no time in working his length in and out of her core. His
second penis stroked with delicious friction against Lindsey’s
pearl, making her sob with agonized delight. His hands held her
shoulders, driving her back against him as he thrust forward. The
pain of taking him so deep and hard somehow translated into
pleasure, an anguished bliss that radiated throughout her womb. Her
insides seemed to tremble, a precursor to the quaking that would
soon suffuse her entire body.
    Japohn growled, his utterances as
beastlike as his lovemaking. He bent over her, covering her with
his magnificent body. His mouth closed over the back of her neck,
but instead of a gentle kiss, she felt the scrape of his teeth on
her skin. He took a mouthful of her flesh and bit down.
    There were no fangs involved in this
bite, just the firm grip of his square teeth holding her by the
nape. His hands moved from her shoulders to clamp around her hips,
moving her harder

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