Alien Salvation
length of his penis
slid over the tight bundle of nerves at the front of her sheath.
The detonation was instantaneous, and Lindsey ground against the
bucking man, lost in the rapture of orgasm. It poured over her,
each wave sweeter than the last.

    Lindsey almost fell on top of Vax,
remembering at the last second his injury. She held herself up on
shaking arms, sobbing for air as the surges pounding her insides
slowed to ripples. Vax’s manhood pulsed within her, his groans
filling her ears like the purest melody ever played.
    At last they quieted. Vax stroked her
long, chestnut hair, his smile as delighted as a child discovering
his surprise birthday party. “Apology so fast. Happy you
    “I sure did. I’m going to have to do
this more often.”
    “You do again now? Too tired?” Japohn’s
voice was cautious, as if he expected to be turned down.
    The first stab of fear since Bacoj’s
bite hit Lindsey as she looked at the looming Nobek. Perhaps the
intoxicant was wearing off, because the sheer size of the man was
    “You’re extremely endowed, Japohn, much
more than I expected when I made my offer. I’m not sure a girl my
size can handle you.” She tried not to stare at his burgeoning sex,
but found it hard to take her eyes away. She looked him in the face
with difficulty.
    His face lit in a smile, shocking
Lindsey with its sudden absence of ruthlessness. She hadn’t
realized how truly savage he seemed until the predatory expression
he wore was wiped away. It amazed her to recognize Japohn could
actually be charming.
    The bass rumble of his voice was just
as alluring. “No fear, Matara. No hurt. Much pleasure.”
    Lindsey was getting tired and starting
to ache down below. But it wasn’t fair to have struck a trade, have
sex with Japohn’s clanmates, and then deny him the same privilege.
She had every intention of living up to her word if
    “You’re sure? It’s not that I don’t
want to, it’s just that—”
    Her voice died out as he approached
her. Japohn’s mere presence was enough to steal her ability to
speak. Lindsey felt every bit of strength flee.
    He stroked her hair, his touch as
gentle as a father soothing a child. “Bigger Kalquorian men with
smaller Earther female than you. Make good sex, no
    “There are even bigger men than you?”
Lindsey was aghast.
    Bacoj and Vax laughed at her
expression, but their hilarity wasn’t mean. Bacoj nodded. “Japohn
big, no biggest. Japohn careful to Lindsey.”
    Well, she’d have to trust them on this,
she supposed. She’d made an agreement. “Okay. If you’re
    Japohn’s arms gathered around her,
pulling her carefully off Vax. “I bite, if help?”
    Lindsey thought about it. She was
curious to learn if sex would be as good without the intoxicant,
but with its influence waning, fear was making giving in to the
Nobek hard. “That might be best.”
    Bacoj helped Vax off the bed. “Bite
part normal sex for Kalquorians. Make pleasure more.”

    Japohn held her close, her back to his
chest. His sexes curved up tight against her buttocks. Lindsey
swallowed to feel the immense, throbbing flesh beneath her. “Yeah,
I’ve had no complaints so far. It was pretty — ow, darn it, that
    The bite came suddenly, and again the
pain began to fade before she could finish her complaint. There had
to be some kind of anesthetic in the aliens’ saliva, she guessed.
Good thing, because the brief flash of agony was more than enough
to bear.
    Her attitude about being bitten started
to change within seconds. Euphoria settled its warm embrace around
her, and Lindsey relaxed in Japohn’s arms. The hot flesh of his
erections was more titillation than a dreaded prospect now. Oh yes,
she definitely looked forward to having this man too. She squirmed
against him to let him know he was most welcome to take what he
    Japohn’s fangs pulled free. His mouth
closed over where he’d bitten her, sucking hard on her

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