After Tuesday

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Book: Read After Tuesday for Free Online
Authors: Renee Ericson
Tags: General Fiction
a contact buzz. Poor dog.
    “It’s okay, boy,” I say, rubbing his head. “You can stay here with me.”
    His eyes dart to me, but I can see he’s starting to relax. Of course, he’s already relaxed because he’s high. When he finally looks like he’s falling asleep, I remove my hand from his head and lie back down on my bed.
    Never able to idle well, I start picking through my closet looking for a new “look.” The start of another school year means it’s time for new beginnings. In the past, I’ve stood on the sidelines with few friends and, quite frankly, with no life. I’m sick of it. It decidedly sucks. Time to get out there a little more. It’s been a great summer, and I think I might have something to look forward to this year at Howard High.
    I’m tired of moping around about my family and my dad. This year, I’m going in strong. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. It’s time for a new me. What better way to be renewed than with a great outfit? It’s logical.
    After sifting through my clothes for about thirty minutes, I pick up my sketchpad and doodle a passed-out Dragon. Then, with the light coming through my window, I attempt a self-portrait. As I look in the mirror, I start to wonder about what Brent sees when he looks at me. I’ve never been considered exotic-looking. Cute might be a better definition.
    Due to my extensive running, my body is long, strong, and lean. I look a lot like my dad. We have similar eyes with the same color hair, and our jawlines are alike. I’m guessing though that I got my mom’s nose and lips since they look nothing like my dad or like anyone from his family.
    Then, my mind wanders back to Brent. He gives Greek Gods a run for their money. I stop myself and decide not to dwell on him for too long.
    To fill the time as I wait for evening to arrive, I get ready to take a run to the lake to calm my mind.
    When I return, the only car in the driveway is my Gremlin. It looks like everyone decided it was time to move the party elsewhere. Dragon is wandering around in the backyard. When he sees me, he follows me inside as I go in to take a shower.
    It’s likely close to six o’clock. I’m anxious to check my phone for any missed calls or texts, but I resist and shower first, trying to convince myself that I’m not being obsessive.
    After one of the fastest showers of my life, I wrap myself in a towel and make a beeline to my phone. I’ve lost all self-control, and I need to know if there’s a plan for tonight. Lighting up the screen, I see there are ten new texts and two missed calls. My heart begins to pound as I look through the texts first. There are two separate threads, one from Lexi and the other from Brent. I yip a little—yes, audibly yip—due to my unrestrained excitement. Dragon comes to my room to see what all the commotion is about. Looking down at my phone, I scroll through the thread from Lexi first, hoping I’m saving the best for last. There are six messages from Lexi.
    Call me.
    Uh, you there?
    Hello? Call me.
    Are you canceling?
    Reminder: He likes you.
    OK, Owen is hot.
    I better call her before she loses her mind. I was only gone for an hour, but I’m guessing she isn’t one for patience. However, I have to see what Brent wrote first. There are four texts from Brent.
    Still on for 8? I can pick you up.
    Owen and Lexi are coming, too.
    Is this the right number? Ruby?
    Call me when you get this text—as long as your name is Ruby.
    I feel my face grinning from ear to ear as I let out a breathy burst of excitement. I’m falling under his charm. I can feel it happening, and I’m acting like an eleven year old.
    First, I text Brent.
    Will call you in 10 minutes.
    Then, I call Lexi.
    “Ruby!” Lexi screams into my ear. “Where have you been? I thought you drowned or something.”
    “Oh, please.” Leftover from the excitement of everything I’m feeling, I let out a huge chortle. “I just went for a run. So, what’s up?” Play

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