Casey leans over to look at me. “Hey, Ruby, I saw you talking to Brent last night.” She looks at me with a question in her eye.
“Yeah, um…” I rack my brain for an answer that won’t let her read anything into my conversation with Brent. “He was just asking me about Colorado since that’s where I moved here from.”
Casey gives Autumn and Lexi a knowing look.
Lexi giggles. “Girl, please. He asked you out. Don’t play dumb.”
“No, he didn’t!” I reply defensively.
“Oh, yes, he did,” Lex states. “He texted me about a half hour ago. Although, I was more interested in the text I got from Owen this morning. That boy is mmmhhhmm.”
We all shake our heads at Lexi’s enthusiasm. Her agenda is clear.
Then, Autumn starts in. “Did you guys see Liam last night? He looks different. He didn’t look like that last year, right?”
“No kidding,” Casey chimes in. “Hot.”
“He’s nice, too,” I add. I can tell they don’t really care, but it needs to be said.
“Well…” Autumn smiles with a thought she’s not sharing. “I like what I’m seeing.”
“So, Ruby…” Casey addresses me again. “What’s up with Brent? He’s cute, huh?”
“Yeah, he’s cute. He seems nice, too. I guess we’re going to do something tonight, but he didn’t say that it’s a date,” I say to all of them, trying to make a point to them and myself that it is not a date.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a date, and he’s definitely interested in you,” Lexi pipes in.
Casey inquires to the group, “So, what happened with Frankie? I heard they broke up, but does anyone know what happened?”
“I guess she wanted time off. Something about getting ready for college and not wanting to be tied down to someone,” Autumn says.
“So, is she dating anyone?” Lexi asks.
“No, I don’t think so. April told me Frankie just wants to have fun this year. No ties and strings.” Autumn looks to the movie screen as the lights dim. Then, she adds, teasingly, “So, I guess that means he’s definitely taking Ruby on a date.” She then looks directly at me. “You better let us know if he’s a good kisser. We’ve all been curious for years.”
As the movie begins, we all lean back in our seats and stare at the screen. Heat rises to my face as I think about Brent kissing me. Adrenaline runs through my body at the thought of him touching and holding my hand. My mind starts to remember all sorts of things about Brent, like the way he smiles and how his eyes light up when he talks. I think about the first time he spoke to me, just yesterday at Camp White Ash, with his noticeable smirk and sidelong glances. Maybe Lexi is right; maybe he is interested, and I’m just not allowing myself to see it. I mean, let’s get real. Dating Brent is like a unicorn for someone like me. The very possibility seems untouchable. Maybe I’m wrong though. Maybe the idea isn’t so far-fetched. Okay, now I’m obsessing. Pathetic.
I take one last look at Lexi before returning my attention to the screen.
Smirking, she shakes her head. Then, I see her mouth, “He likes you.”
Chapter Five
After the movie, I head home to wait for evening to come. The place is empty, but I hear noises coming from Uncle Jas’s house. I assume my dad is next door, but I’m not going to venture over there to find out. Who knows who else is there right now?
Before heading to my room, I hear scratching on the back door.
I open the door and relent. “Hey, Dragon. Not in the mood for a party either?”
Dragon comes in, and I follow him as he heads toward my room. He lies down with his chin touching the floor, like he’s moping.
“I hear ya,” I tell him exasperated. “They can be a little much.”
I plop on my bed and stare at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath. Eww. I lean over the bed. Putting my nose closer to Dragon, I take another whiff. Yep. There’s definitely a party going on next door, and I think he might have gotten