Accidentally Married

Read Accidentally Married for Free Online

Book: Read Accidentally Married for Free Online
Authors: Victorine E. Lieske
herself get carried away? As an actress, she needed to focus. She mentally reprimanded herself.
    “You guys look so twitterpated with each other,” Patricia said, giggling. “Such a happy couple.”
    Jared turned away, frowning.
    Shelly packed up the camera, and Zachary looked at his watch. “It’s been fun, but I have an early day tomorrow. I’m afraid we must be heading out.”
    Jared stood. “It’s time we left as well.” He extended his hand to Madison, which she was grateful for as her knees were still wobbly, but when she looked up at him, anger flashed in his eyes.
    They said their goodbyes, and she suddenly felt nervous to be alone with him. He was acting like a caged lion, about to spring on her once they were alone. She sucked in a breath and stepped out into the evening, the sun already below the horizon.
    Chapter 5

    J ared stalked toward his car, Madison clicking behind him in her heels, trying to keep up. He was being rude, but he didn’t care.
    When he was sure no one could see them from the house he rounded on her. “What did you think you were doing in there?”
    Madison blinked, her eyes wide. “What are you talking about?”
    “Don’t you play innocent with me. You were supposed to look like a crazy chick so my family would break us up. But instead, you…you do that! Now they think we’re twitterpated.”
    A laugh erupted from Madison, and she clamped her hand over her mouth.
    “Sorry, there’s just something about an angry CEO shouting the word twitterpated. I’ve got to add that to my ‘things I never thought I’d hear’ list.”
    He couldn’t think of a thing to say in response, so he unlocked his car and slid into the driver’s seat, huffing in exasperation. She was infuriating. Didn’t she realize the position she’d put him in? This was no time to joke.
    Madison climbed in the car.
    “Don’t expect to get paid. After what you pulled, you’re lucky I don’t file a restraining order.”
    “Hey, it’s not like it was all my fault. You were kissing me first.”
    “I was only trying to appease my aunt.”
    “Well, you appeased the socks right off me.”
    Jared stared at her. “What does that even mean?”
    “It means, stop kissing people like that unless you want to be kissed back. Now, drive.” She motioned toward the driveway.
    He narrowed his eyes, annoyed she was telling him what to do, but held his tongue. The engine roared to life and he pulled out onto the street.
    Obviously Madison sucked at being an actress. She couldn’t even play the simple part of a girlfriend. And her idea of trying to get his family to break them up was insane. He didn’t know why he went along with it in the first place. He’d handle this his own way, and hope his aunt wouldn’t be too hurt.
    “Tomorrow I’ll tell them we had a fight on the way home. Next week I can let them know we broke off the engagement.”
    She folded her arms across her chest. “Sounds like a plan.”
    When they pulled onto the interstate, he gunned it. The rush of speed made him feel better. He figured it was worth the risk of a ticket if he could make this disaster of an evening end sooner.
    Madison didn’t say anything. She continued to stare straight ahead out the window. Good. He’d rather sit in silence.
    He wove through the traffic, passing cars and trucks. The clock on his dashboard said it was seven fifteen. Less than three hours and he’d be home. Maybe he’d relax in his Jacuzzi before bed. After today, he deserved it.
    “You know, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened had you simply kept your word and tried to find me a job at your company.”
    He gaped at her. Was she serious? This was his fault? “Excuse me?”
    She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “If you hadn’t lied to me about maybe having a position—”
    “I didn’t lie. I said maybe, and I meant maybe. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions about my assistant.” He tried not to shout.
    “You wanted

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