Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors))

Read Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors)) for Free Online

Book: Read Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors)) for Free Online
Authors: H.M. McQueen
    Tonia shook her head. She'd stay in tonight.
    Would Fallon attempt to contact her?
    The idea that Fallon was perhaps a demon rolled over in her mind.
    Oh God, anything but that .
    Although already sundown, the brightness of the parking area at her townhouse complex allowed Tonia to watch three men who stood around a red Ford truck talking and laughing loudly. She got out of her car, straightened and pushed her shoulders back, before strolling toward her building.
    “Hey girl. We’re looking for some action.” One of them called out. "You game for a good time?" She ignored them, not in the mood for their antics.
    When one of them stepped in front of her, blocking her path, she almost cursed out loud.
    A demon .
    Usually she could distinguish demons on sight. She’d not detected him. Had he somehow camouflaged his appearance?  Either that or she was getting sloppy.
    Mentally she inventoried her weapons, two daggers, in the back pocket of her cross body bag. Her Glock tucked in the small of her back. Bullets didn’t kill demons, but they’d hurt like hell, both going in and exiting.
    The demon moved toward her, his eyes narrowed. “Bitch, you killed my brother.” His slow smile sent an icy path down her spine.
    She cursed inwardly at her lack of preparedness. Usually primed and vigilant, she never left her car without a blade in hand. Today she’d been distracted, thinking about Fallon. Her mind was not where it should have been. Otherwise, she might have picked up on the fact that they were demons, before getting out of the car.
    Damn .
    Tonia glared at the demon, not wanting him to know she was aware of the fact she was in deep shit. “Funny I don't remember anyone as ugly as you. You sure I killed your brother?" She shrugged as if unconcerned. "Besides if I killed the demon, it was in self-defense. Or to save a life.”
    “Don’t lie bitch,” he spat out and took another step closer. “We are all brothers." He swept his arm toward the other demons. "You go out hunting for us. I followed you here the other night after you met with that Protector, you led me back here.”
    Tonia tensed and looked over her shoulder to track the demons behind her and then she faced the demon in front of her. It would be costly not to know where each one stood.
    He smirked at the other two who moved in. “I brought my friends. We’re going to have us a party, maybe an all-nighter.” The demons laughed.
    Like hell.
    She lowered her head and coughed, in a fluid motion she unsheathed the daggers, holding one in each hand. “Good news. Just so happens I’m in the mood to party.” With narrowed eyes she ground out the next words. “Bring it.”
    The demons were fast, they seemed to flash in and out, mostly shoving or punching her. They didn’t try to hurt her, not much anyway.
    The message came through loud and clear. The demons didn’t plan to kill her right away. It didn’t take much to figure out what they planned to do once she was incapacitated.
    When she sliced through one of the leader's arms, the large demon hissed and tried to slap her. Her reflexes sharp, she avoided the hit, but lost her balance when another demon shoved her from behind.
    Tonia turned and stabbed the one closest to her in the middle of his chest. He snarled and threw her an angry look as he fell forward landing face first onto the pavement. He didn’t evaporate, which meant he wasn’t dead. Damn it—missed his heart.
    The one who’d approached her first let out an angry growl and charged.
    Tonia leapt away, landing softly on the balls of her feet only to lunge again when another demon swung at her.
    Her breathing became labored as she dodged hit after hit. A hard punch from behind hurt and pissed her off. She turned and sliced across the demon's chest, satisfied when he fell backward and evaporated.
    The kill cost her.
    She drew from the adrenaline fed by fear and rushed to the side, but not fast enough to avoid the next blow. She stumbled

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