be accurate
-- 'l'his will have been checked But
ar as mey go. . '
surprisingly viciou
for the Paternoster.'
Berowne said:
'Oh yes, the facts are accurate.' He made the statement calmly, almost sadly, without explanation and apparently without the intention of offering any.
Dalgliesh wanted to say 'Which facts? The facts in this journal or the facts in the original communication?' But he decided against the question. This wasn't yet a case for the police, least of all for him. For the present, anyway, the initiative must lie with Berowne. Fie said:
'I remember the Theresa Nolan inquest. This Diana
Travers drowning is new to me.'
Berowne said:
'It didn't make the national press. There was a line or two in the local paper reporting the inquest. It made no mention of my wife. Diana Travers wasn't a member of her birthday party but they did dine at the same restaurant, the Black Swan on the river at Cookham. The authorities seem to have adopted that slogan of the insurance company. Why make a drama out of a crisis?'
$o there had been a cover up, of sorts anyway, and Berowne had known it. The death by drowning of a girl who worked for a Minister of the Crown and who died after dining at the restaurant where the Minister's wife was also dining, whether or not he himself was present, would normally have justified at least a brief paragraph in
one of the national papers. Dalgliesh asked: 'What do you want me tO do, Minister?' Berowne smiled.
'Do you know, I'm not exactly sure. Keep a watching brief, I suppose. I'm not expecting you to take this on personally. That would obviously be ridiculous. But if it does develop into open scandal I suppose someone eventu-ally will have to deal with it. At this stage I wanted to put you in the picture.'
But that was precisely what he hadn't done. With any other man Dalgliesh would have pointed this out and with some asperity. The fact that he felt no temptation to do so with Berowne interested him. lie thought, there'll be reports on both the inquests. I can get most of the facts
rorn official ources. Fr the rt
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ed Birdcage Walk
when they were hailed by a cheerful shout and Jerogaame Mapleton trotted up beside them, rubicund, sweaty.fac5ced, a little out of breath. He was the member for a SoO�uth London constituency, a safe seat which he neverthelleless hardly ever left, as if fearing that even a week's abserence might put it in jeopardy. Twenty years in the House still hadn t dampened hs extraordinary enthusiasm for the 1 J b and his not unappealing
Justine Dare Justine Davis