A Rocky Path
In fact, you can sneak down
here really late that night and we can talk about it. I will wait
for you.”
    She pouted a little, and wouldn’t look at
    “Emily, you have only seen me three times.
You know nothing about me. Why would you care whether or not I come
to that party?” he asked.
    “I don’t know, Patrick. I just…well, I like
being around you.”
    She was blushing now and looked down, not
wanting to meet his eyes. He put a finger under her chin and lifted
it up so that she was looking at him.
    “Emily, I enjoy being with you, too. So let’s
just continue to meet here and let it be our little secret. You
haven’t told anyone about meeting me, have you?”
    “No, I haven’t said anything to anybody.”
    “I wonder why that is. Why you haven’t
mentioned me. It would seem the natural thing to do to say
something to Rebecca or someone else in the house. Why have you
kept me a secret?”
    Emily bit her lip. “I don’t really know. I
guess it’s kind of exciting to have my own little world outside of
the normal routine. Everything is just great. I’m happy, everyone
has been wonderful to me, I have everything I need and most of what
I want. But it gets a little boring sometimes. With you, everything
seems different. You are kind of a mystery. A mystery that I would
love to solve.”
    That sad look that she had seen before
crossed his face for just a second and then it was gone. She was
wondering if she had imagined it.
    “Be careful about solving mysteries,” he
warned. “Some things are better left alone. Now, unfortunately, I
have to go.”
    He got up and pulled her up with him. His
hand lingered in hers for just a moment, then he let go.
    “Will you be here tomorrow?” Emily asked.
    “I don’t know, maybe. We will see. Now you
should go back up to the house. It’s getting a little chilly out
    She reached out for him, but he shook his
head and stepped back. This man was so frustrating! So she turned
her back on him and walked away. After a few steps, she looked
back. She couldn’t help herself. He was gone.
    * * * * *
    Instead of going back to bed, she went
downstairs to the room where the old things were stored. She knew
she wouldn’t be able to sleep, so she thought she would go through
the things that she hadn’t gotten to the last time she was here and
had found the ring.
    She looked through a lot of things and was
about to quit. There wasn’t really anything of interest. Then she
found a little chest with a lock. She couldn’t open it and had no
idea where the key was. She was intrigued. She carried her find
upstairs to her room and got out a nail file. She finally was able
to pick the flimsy lock. When she opened the lid, she found
letters…lots of letters. She could tell they were really old
because of the paper they were on. They were all rolled up like a
scroll and tied with different colored ribbons. She was delighted.
She started to read….
    My dearest,
    I waited all night for you to come to me. I
am so sad this morning because I didn’t get to see you. You know it
drives me crazy when you ignore me this way. Please come to me
tonight and make me happy.
    Your love.
    They were love letters! How romantic and
exciting. She read another one.
    My darling,
    I can’t tell you how much last night meant to
me. To feel your hands and your lips on my body. You took me
somewhere I never thought I would go. We must be careful. If anyone
finds out about us, our lives would be ruined. It might even mean
our death. Until next time….
    Your love.
    Emily read several letters, her stomach
fluttering from the love and passion she could feel emanating from
each one. Who were these lovers from a time far into the past? She
read until she was exhausted, finally falling asleep with a letter
in her hand.

Chapter Seven
    The next morning Emily was sleepy as she
trudged downstairs for her workout. Jamie was there, as usual, so
they worked out together.

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