A Man Like No Other
taking her. Over and over. Kneeling before her and lapping up
her thick cream. Enjoying her body in a way he hadn’t yet. Slowly and in
    She cleared her throat and snapped him
out of his lovely daydream.
    A knowing grin flashed. “Nothing.”
    “Your answer?”
    “I could have said already. You
wouldn’t know.”
    “So tell me again.”
    Her lips pursed. “Why are we doing
    “Doing what?” he asked.
    “Pretending there is something between
us. Look at us, sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee like we know one another.
A damn commercial.”
    His lips twitched. “Something else
you’d rather be doing?” Every fibre within him longed to go to her and kiss her
until no wouldn’t even be a consideration.
    Heat flared before she could contain
it. “Yes.” He waited with baited breath. “I need to be running.”
    “No. Running.”
    “Mind some company?”
    She scanned his attire. “You run in
jeans and cowboy boots?”
    He flashed a smile. “No, I have clothes
in my truck.”
    “Let’s go then. Ready in five?”
ready now. “Sounds good.” As he jogged to his truck, he realised he hadn’t
gotten a response about her reason against DEA men.
    Although it was more like fifteen
minutes later, he found himself running beside Serefina LeBenoit along a
mountain trail. She wore a pair of shorts which nearly made him stumble more
than once with the way they barely covered the firm globes of her ass. He realised
why her legs weren’t pencil thin; running through the mountains had given her
more muscle than running a flat road would.
    “Let me know if the altitude gets to be
too much,” she said as they pounded up again.
    He could feel its effects but didn’t
think it was anything he couldn’t handle. A while later, he felt really
lightheaded and slightly nauseous. Serefina must have been watching him for she
immediately stopped so he would.
    “Walk slowly and take deep breaths.”
    He did as she ordered and slowly the
effects faded. He peeked at her; there was no smugness or laughter in her
expression. No pity either. Only observation.
    “Don’t mention it. Can you walk a bit
further up?”
    He would crawl if he had to; he didn’t
want to disappoint her. “Sure.”
    They ambled along until she veered off
the path and to a small glen. Beautiful was the only word he could think of.
Lush green grass, flowers dotting the carpet, and a sparkling pool of water.
    “Wow,” he said. “This is impressive.”
    “One of my favourite spots. The water
is clean, so drink if you want.”
    He headed to the edge and looked back
to see Serefina walk slowly, eyes closed, and drag her hands along the tops of
the grasses. Adjusting his path, he returned to her and she was in his arms by
the time her eyes opened.
    “What are you doing?”
    “You’re driving me insane, angel. I
can’t stop thinking of what it was like to be buried deep within your wet
    “I want to watch your face when you
come. I want to make love to you, angel.”
    Her pulse ran out of control. Longing
overflowed her expression. “No,” she whispered on a tortured breath.
    “Why not?”
    “You’re DEA. Plus we’ve already
    He snarled low. “We’ll get back to the
DEA excuse in a minute. I didn’t say I wanted to fuck you—don’t get me wrong, I
do, just not right now—I want to learn the treasures of your body. Enjoy it
    Her trembles increased. He pressed his
lips to her forehead and inhaled her light citrus smell.
    “Since you’re feeling better, let’s get
back to the reason we’re out here. Running.”
    He tightened his hold, preventing her
escape. “We’re not ignoring this, Serefina.”
    She stepped free. “There’s nothing to
ignore or not.” Then she spun around and began running.
    Refusing to let her get away, he set
off after her. He had no extra air for words so remained silent. When her home
came into view, he

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