A Hell Hound's Fire
cock on her mound. Sarah moaned and spread her legs,
cradling him against her hot core. Her heat soaked into his shaft,
hardening it more, and Alex dragged the head of his cock down her
wet slit.
    Oh shit! Condom.
    He stifled a groan and suckled her nipple as
he shifted to search in a drawer beside the bed, unwilling to let
her go for a second. Please, please, please let there be one
    His fingers closed around a foil packet and
elation suffused his chest. Expiration? He could barely
focus on the little numbers printed on the foil. They had two
weeks. Hot damn! He tore it open and slid the latex over his
straining shaft, returning to Sarah’s lovely body as fast as
possible. Thirty seconds and he already missed her.
    “You’re mine, Sarah.”
    “Prove it, Hell Hound.” Her eyes sparkled
with mischief as her smile turned defiant.
    Alex snarled with lusty excitement and
thrust inside with one quick move. Scalding pressure enveloped him
and he moaned, closing his eyes. Holy Goddess, she’s pure
    “Mine,” he said.
    “Not yet, but I will be.”
    Where in the world had those words come
from? Sarah swore her Sister must have taken over and taunted Alex
when she’d been distracted with the pleasure of his cock in her
pussy. Holy First Canid, he filled her to bursting, and lust flared
in his eyes with her challenge.
    “Damn right, you will be.”
    He dragged his cock out of her tight grip
and slammed back into her, heat exploding through her with his
thrust. Sarah dug her nails into his shoulders as she threw her
head back, her pleasure erupting in a joyous wail.
    Alex sealed his lips to her throat, planting
nippy kisses along the column as he settled into a continuous
rocking motion. Sarah drowned in the sensations of his cock sliding
along her inner walls and the scrape of his teeth at her neck. Her
release coiled at the base of her spine, roiling as it slowly built
into a conflagration of pleasure. Sarah cried out and arched her
back, trying to take more of him.
    “Oh, Goddess, Alex, faster please.”
    He rumbled a groan and sped up his thrusts,
chafing the insides of her pussy with his satin flesh. The pleasure
ignited, pinging off her nerves as it tore through her, and boiled
up her spine until she shot into the star spangled sky. Alex
stiffened and growled so low, the vibrations rattled her world. His
cock rammed into her a few more times, setting of a fireworks
display of aftershocks behind her eyes.
    At the last moment, he sealed his mouth
around her shoulder and sank his teeth into the muscle, catapulting
her into another hard orgasm. Her canines itched and she snapped at
his shoulder, her jaws finding flesh. New waves of pleasure and
ecstasy flooded through her, swamping her mind.
    Alex came again, his pleasure ricocheting
inside her until she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.
Something clicked and locked in place, pushing away her worries and
fears until only sweet silence cradled her.
    “Holy Goddess.”
    Alex’s mumbled exclamation pulled Sarah back
into the present. The room’s scent had changed from musty disuse
and Alex, to something richer, earthier, and sexier. She recognized
her own scent in the air, not just the sex, but a mixture of her
and Alex’s hot rock flavor. She tried to lick her lips and found
her tongue sliding across his salty skin.
    Alex groaned and his cock flexed inside her
    I’ve bitten him. Her breath hitched
and she released his shoulder in a rush. Alex groaned again around
her shoulder. He’s bitten me!
    The enormity of their shared actions slid
down her spine and she gasped for breath while her Sister wolf
yipped with glee. True Mate.
    Bloody hell in a kettle! What am I going to
tell Liam?
    “Can you get up now?”
    Alex released her shoulder and scanned her
face with his eyes. “Am I hurting you?”
    “No, I’m fine, I just…”
    He rolled off her as if on fire and she
missed his warm, solid weight.

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