A Hell Hound's Fire
on the bed. He gathered her to him, the
heat of his body flooding into hers as the rain beat against the
windows of the house. They didn’t speak for a long moment and she
settled her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his
heart. Contentment filled her until worries bullied their way to
the forefront of her mind.
    “What about tomorrow, when the morning
comes?” She hated to ask the question and ruin the perfect
connection they’d made.
    “Tomorrow, we’ll run into town and get some
real food for this place.” His voice sounded tired and amused.
“Hell Hounds, and Moon Singers I suspect, can’t live on chicken and
pasta alone.”
    “That’s not what I meant, Alex—”
    “I know, little wolf.” He squeezed her
gently. “Just rest right now. Let’s tackle tomorrow when it
    “But what about…this?” She waved a hand
lazily in the air as exhaustion stole over her. She fought it. They
had to talk about the biting. Biting during mating meant the Mating
Bond and True Mates.
    “Just sleep. You’ve had a rough time. It’ll
keep until tomorrow.”
    He sounded so confident and she didn’t have
the energy to fight him on it. I just hope he’s right.

    Chapter Five

    Alex woke to an unusual sensation. Heat,
satisfaction, and the sweet scent of woman, his woman. His
Brother growled in contentment as Sarah sighed and slid an arm
across his chest. Unexpected joy obliterated all the old sorrow and
despair, and he wondered how he’d ever managed to get up in the
morning without it. How can one woman make it all go
    True Mate.
    Yeah, yeah. You always think you’re so
    His Brother only grunted in smug amusement
as Sarah nestled closer and her delicious scent flooded his nose,
making his cock jerk. Down, boy. She needs her rest. He
wanted to give into the urge to slide his aching shaft into her
seductive heat, but he reminded himself they had no food for
    Sighing, he eased himself from her warmth
and dragged his ass into the bathroom. His cock twitched in
frustration, but he refused to allow it to rule him today. He
couldn’t ignore the threat chasing the Flanagans and making love to
Sarah wouldn’t save them from it.
    Besides, he didn’t relish the idea of facing
Liam while curled up naked with his mother.
    Yeah, just a little awkward.
    The shower helped wake Alex up, though the
soap smelled like a dust cake and almost disintegrated when he used
it. He added it to his mental grocery list along with food and
toiletries. At least the towels were still clean.
    He didn’t relish the idea of dressing in
yesterday’s clothes, but he hadn’t lived in the River House in
years and had nothing else. He pulled on his jeans and grabbed his
shirt before returning to the bedroom. The sight in his bed stopped
him and stole his breath.
    Sarah stretched lazily and the morning light
caressed her strawberries-and-cream skin with an ethereal glow.
Alex swallowed hard and his cock flexed with demand. Want, want,
    When she rolled over and spread her legs, he
thought he’d faint as the scent of their shared pleasure hit his
nose. His Brother demanded he lick her sweet pussy, drowning in her
delicious flavor again, but he gritted his teeth and held back. There’s a demon after her, moron. Focus on making her safe, not
    But satisfied is more fun.
    Alex forced himself to kneel beside the bed
and run a hand over her shoulder. Only her shoulder.
    “Sarah, sweetheart, what do you say to
breakfast in town?”
    “Hmm?” She opened her seductive green eyes
and gave him a sleepy smile. “Mornin’.”
    “Good morning.” He answered her smile and
ignored his Brother whining to kiss her. “There’s no food in this
house. We pretty much used up everything last night. What do you
say we head into town for some groceries and breakfast?”
    “That sounds lovely.” But her body stiffened
and she lost her smile. “What about the demon? You said water helps

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