A Face To Die For

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Book: Read A Face To Die For for Free Online
Authors: Jan Warburton
Sebastian Courtney, designer and founder of the haute couture house; smiled sweetly as I entered. This was in marked contrast to Henry Clyde's more austere, moustached countenance. Attempting a smile, he gave the appearance of having an unpleasant odour under his nose.
    'Well, Miss Spencer... Annabel.' He hesitated; his nostrils flaring as he eyed me. 'No doubt you've already been briefed by Mr Hamilton about things. It is with his encouragement, we have chosen you to spearhead our new Miss Courtney , Ready-to-Wear collection.'
    Good heavens, anyone would think this was a military exercise we were talking about. However, Edward had warned me that Henry Clyde was an ex-army officer, and that he was occasionally known to use terms like this in conversation.
    'How do you feel about it, Annabel?' asked Charlotte Bundy more gently, still smiling warmly. For her age, which I guessed to be mid sixties, she was a handsome woman. Her greying hair was elegantly coiffured, and she was immaculately dressed in a tobacco brown Courtney two piece, accessorised with three rows of beautiful cream and amber beads.
    'I ... I'm very proud, an ... and extremely delighted about it, Mrs Bundy...er Mr Clyde, sir,' I stammered.
    Pull yourself together, silly, I told myself. Good God, I'd known for two days now that this meeting was to take place, and although I'd had no idea how I would handle it, it was proving to be a daunting experience facing this awesome pair.
    Up to now I'd only seen them briefly on their infrequent visits to the showroom, when they would brush past us all with barely a nod, always with an air of supreme importance. They would then take the private lift and ensconce themselves in this office in the Director's suite on the second floor of the building. Here, from time to time, Edward would scuttle obediently at their command.
    Eventually I was able to calm my nerves a little and somehow produce a shaky smile.
    'Pull up a chair, my dear,' said Mrs Bundy.
    I looked around and grabbed a chair from the wall behind me and brought it forward. Seated, I faced them both squarely across the table.
    'Coffee?' Charlotte Bundy's delicate hand poised above a silver tray on which sat a silver coffee pot and china cups.
    'No, thank you, Mrs Bundy.' I knew a cup of anything would be a total disaster in my nervous hands right now.
    'Well then, let's get down to business.'
    I was relieved that Charlotte Bundy was taking the lead in the conversation; her manner made me feel more at ease than Mr Clyde's. But my answers still had to be directed across the table to the pair of them - which wasn't so easy.
    'I'm sure Edward has covered the basic terms of your proposed contract, salary and so on? Presumably it all meets with your approval, Annabel?'
    'Yes, it's fine?' I replied honestly, looking from one to the other. Edward had indeed explained it all carefully to me the day before. I was to be contracted initially for one year, at an annual salary of £980, and this would be reviewed at the end of twelve months. It suited me very well.
    'Good,' said Mrs Bundy. 'Now please don't be offended at us only offering you a year’s contract at first. It is quite common procedure and it is actually fairer in the long run for you and for us. You do see that?'
    'Yes, Edward has explained.' I was by now feeling less awed by the occasion and settled myself further back on my chair, trying to relax.
    'Then of course there are the new premises for Miss Courtney just a few doors down from here.' said Mrs Bundy, pausing briefly to sip her coffee. 'There you'll have a couple of offices, a small showroom and workroom. How does that sound?'
    It sounded fantastic. More than I'd expected. 'Wonderful. It sounds just wonderful.' The idea of my own premises for Miss Courtney was so exciting, but suddenly I also began to feel extremely nervous again about whole thing. Hell, suppose I couldn't cope with all that was expected of me? As I tried to overcome these new negative

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