A Demon's Wrath: Part I (Peachville High Demons)
things might be like after we’d
pledged our lives to one another.
    But in the tradition of our elders, we were given
this cocoon of light in which to confess our doubts and dreams. It
was known as the last chance to reveal our true feelings and
intentions. We could speak to each other without anyone outside
hearing us or ever knowing what we’d shared.
    This was the moment I could have told her the
truth about my brother’s feelings for her. I should have told
    Only, seeing that tiny crack in her armor rattled
me to the core.
    Lea may act tough and strong, but for the first
time, I saw that she was a woman, too.
    "You go first," she said, her voice a
    I cleared my throat and uncurled my fingers,
laying the locket out flat against my palm. I took my eyes from hers
and waved my free hand over the golden case.
    I held my breath as it opened, revealing the small
stone inside.
    The light that spilled from it was strong and
true. It wasn’t blinding or brilliant, but it was honest.
    I looked up into Lea’s eyes and she smiled.
Carefully, I lifted the stone from its velvet case and placed it near
my heart as my mother had instructed. My eyes closed as her truth
poured into me.
    Through the magic of the stone, I saw myself
through her eyes for the first time. She saw me as a dear friend, but
there was so much more there than what I expected to see. She thought
I was strong and compassionate. A warrior capable of winning battles,
but also an artist able to see the beauty in small things.
    She knew my love for my brother and in it, saw my
loyalty to family. Because of this, she knew that I would be a good
father someday.
    Tears welled up in my eyes at these images that
flowed through my mind and my heart.
    I didn’t deserve all this. I wasn’t
the honorable one she believed me to be.
    When the stone was done showing me what was in her
heart, I placed it back inside the golden case, closing it up again.
    She looked at me with anticipation.
    I didn’t know what I was supposed to say.
    "Thank you.”
    A puzzled look crossed her face. "Is that all
you need to say?" she asked.
    "Should there be more?"
    She smiled and shook her head. "I don’t
know," she said. Then, she looked at the locket in her hand.
"Can I open mine?"
    I nodded.
    Lea took a deep breath, then passed a hand over
the locket, her fingers trembling.
    I think I knew what to expect when it opened, but
actually seeing it with my own eyes took my breath away.
    A brilliant light poured from the small stone, so
bright it made the stars inside the veil look dim.
    Lea gasped, her breath hitching in her chest. She
brought her free hand up to her mouth and tears spilled from her
eyes. She took her time, watching the light sparkle in the space
between us before she lifted it toward her heart.
    Her eyes closed as the stone told her its secrets.
    An ache gripped my chest as I watched her.
    It should be Aerden standing here with her. Not
    I would never know exactly what she saw inside
that stone, but whatever it was touched her so deeply she nearly fell
to her knees. I reached out for her, my arms slipping around her
waist to hold her up.
    She opened her eyes and in them, I saw so much
love, it broke my heart into a million pieces.
    "I didn’t know," she said,
searching my face. "Why didn’t you tell me?"
    I didn’t have an answer for her.
    She regained her footing and stepped back so she
could put her stone away. She held the locket against her chest, her
eyes flowing with tears. I’d never seen her cry before and it
made me wish I loved her. I wanted to be able to give her true
happiness instead of this lie.
    "All this time, I was so afraid of opening
the locket only to find that you were standing here out of obligation
to your family and your king," she said with a laugh. She wiped
her tears from her face. "I expected it, honestly. I prepared
myself for it. But this? I never in a hundred years expected this. Is
this how you have felt about me all this

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