A Blessing for Miriam

Read A Blessing for Miriam for Free Online

Book: Read A Blessing for Miriam for Free Online
Authors: Jerry S. Eicher
places like Burger King. For one thing, there simply wasn’t abundant money in the Yoder household. And Mamm had said nothing about Shirley getting an outside job since she’d returned from Oklahoma. Mamm clearly wanted to keep her around the house. And now they didn’t desperately need the extra money with the income from Miriam’s farm. Plus neither Mamm nor Daett wanted her to have money to spend on her own…too much independence, Shirley figured.
    “This is a nice place to think.” Jonas finished his sandwich. “And to talk…once you’ve finished your sandwich. If you want to.”
    So Jonas was intent on conversation. Could that mean he was serious about their relationship? Maybe that would explain the quick trip to Burger King and their drive to this quiet, romantic spot. A shiver ran through Shirley. Could she become Jonas’s frau someday? Could they say the sacred wedding vows together? Daett and Mamm and the others wouldn’t come to the wedding. That much she knew.
    “I can talk and eat.” Shirley gave him a warm smile. “My voice is a little dry, that’s all.”
    In the dim light, Jonas motioned toward the cup holder that held their Pepsis. “Drink then.”
    “I will.” Shirley took a long sip through the straw.
    Already Jonas ordered her around, and she wasn’t sure she liked that. But she’d obeyed, which showed how deeply ingrained her response to a command was. Did Jonas’s church share the Amish view about women and their relationships with men, especially after marriage?
    “What do you want to talk about?” Shirley ventured, her curiosity eager for satisfaction.
    Jonas took another sip from his Pepsi. “It’s been a long time since you came back from Oklahoma, but you’ve never really told me why you came back.”
    Shirley hesitated. Why not just be upfront about it? “The truth is, I don’t think they liked me much out in Oklahoma.”
    “Didn’t like you?” Jonas looked like he didn’t believe her.
    “Well…” Shirley searched for the right words. “Not like I’m used to being liked. They ignored me, and Miriam received all the attention.”
    “That’s strange. Did you do something to set them against you?”
    “No, of course not!” Heat flared in her face, but she didn’t care.
    “Then why?” Jonas probed. “Did some man turn down your attentions?”
    Now she could feel her face getting flushed. Shirley gathered her wits together. “Maybe I don’t want to answer that.”
    Jonas gave a dry laugh. “I think that’s my answer right there.”
    “I didn’t like him anyway. Not like I like you.” Shirley almost regretted the words as soon as they escaped her mouth. She went on. “I was trying hard to fit in with what and how I was supposed to be, but nothing was working. I felt so out of place.”
    “It sounds like you’re just finding your way like all of us have to do,” Jonas said wisely. “And I like the part about you not liking him the way you like me.”
    “You shouldn’t have heard that.” Shirley looked away. “Pretend I didn’t say it, okay?”
    Jonas laughed. “I don’t think so.”
    Shirley didn’t move as his hand reached over and his fingers entwined with hers. Was this the start of a new chapter in their relationship? Or at least a return to what they used to have? Her heart pounded at the thought. On the one hand she wanted this badly—Jonas’s love and attention. On the other hand, if she kept on with this she would lose so much that she treasured—the Amish community, their satisfying way of life, and Mamm and Daett ’s approval.
    Jonas continued. “Let’s go to my house. I want you to talk to my parents.”
    Shirley sat up straight. “About what?”
    He smiled. “Call it a whim. Will you come?” Jonas squeezed her hand. “Please?”
    Shirley’s laugh was strained before she said, “If you ask like that, how can I say no?”
    He chuckled. “You do want to come, don’t you? I mean, we Beachys aren’t horrible people you

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