A Blessing for Miriam

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Book: Read A Blessing for Miriam for Free Online
Authors: Jerry S. Eicher
.” Shirley kept her voice steady. “That was last fall. My sister Miriam and I left for Oklahoma to help with the birth of our aunt’s baby. We stayed a while, and then I came back when my newest sister, Anna, was born. Miriam is still in Oklahoma. She’s teaching school now.”
    “Oh.” Mary appeared interested. “That’s a worthy endeavor. I once thought about teaching school, but it was not to be.”
    Shirley smiled but she didn’t want to talk about Miriam. What would her sister think if she knew where she was right now? A shudder passed through her body.
    “I’m sure Jonas has told you that Raymond and I were both raised Amish.” Mary glanced at her husband. “We try to remember our roots.”
    “That we do.” Raymond nodded. “So, Shirley, are you going back to Oklahoma anytime soon?”
    “I don’t think so.” Shirley clutched her hands on her lap. “ Mamm keeps me busy around the house.”
    The truth was that both of her parents would be overjoyed if she chose to return to her aunt’s house, but Shirley wasn’t about to say that.
    “How is the spiritual life among the Oklahoma Amish?” Raymond asked.
    Shirley wasn’t sure how to answer, but she got out some information. “Okay, I guess. They do some things differently out there than we do here. They frown at rumspringa , for one thing.”
    Raymond chuckled. “That may be a good thing. Not much spiritual growth comes out of flirting with the world.”
    Jonas muttered, “Dad, please.”
    But Raymond didn’t hesitate. “Being Amish isn’t all that it’s cooked up to be, so I can understand people wanting to leave. But there’s a better way to do it than letting young people go wild and spend time in sin.”
    “But rumspringa isn’t sinning, Raymond,” Mary spoke up. She patted her husband on the arm. “You remember that, Raymond, don’t you?”
    “Most of it comes mighty close.” Raymond frowned. “Look at what goes on in our own community most weekend nights.”
    Shirley swallowed with difficulty. Her voice might not workwell, but she had to speak up. “I’m not really on rumspringa the way most of our young people do it. I only go out with Jonas, which I hope isn’t sinning.”
    “There you go, Raymond.” Mary’s smile was strained but triumphant. “Jonas knows what he’s doing.”
    Solemn silence descended on the room and was deepened by the high ceilings.
    “I hope so,” Raymond finally said. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Shirley, but this is a matter of principle for me. Even if some young people do rumspringa and dating right, many of them don’t.”
    Jonas’s hand found hers, and Shirley didn’t pull it away.
    Jonas stood, pulling gently, and Shirley followed. “We’re going to go upstairs. Come on, Shirley.”
    Mary stood. “I’ll get some lemonade from the kitchen, Jonas. You can take it up with you if you want.”
    Jonas looked like lemonade was the last thing he wanted at the moment, but he waited until his mother returned with a pitcher and two glasses. “Shall I make some popcorn for you?”
    “Don’t bother, Mom.” Jonas took the pitcher with both hands. “We’ll be okay.”
    Mary rushed on in spite of her son’s protest. “I’ll make some right away and bring it up. You make sure Shirley’s comfortable and that she feels welcome in our home. She’s a really nice girl.”
    Jonas gave his mom a little smile.
    Raymond nodded. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Shirley. I hope you know that.”
    “It’s okay.” Shirley pulled herself out of her stupor and took the two glasses Jonas’s mom was holding. “It was nice to see you again.”
    Mary gave her a cheery smile, and Shirley returned it. Neither Jonas nor his mamm were responsible for his daett ’s comments. Likely they came from Raymond’s position as a preacher in his church. Weren’t preachers supposed to test all things to see if they were true? At least that’s what the Amish thought.
    Jonas moved toward the

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