3 A Brewski for the Old Man

Read 3 A Brewski for the Old Man for Free Online

Book: Read 3 A Brewski for the Old Man for Free Online
Authors: Phyllis Smallman
pulled in behind it, trying to regulate my breathing to slow my racing heart and trying to find my courage. I left the keys in the ignition and the door open so I could leave fast. My right hand went to the comforting bulk at my waist as I climbed the steps like a snail. I wiped my sweaty palms on the ass of my jeans and then pressed the doorbell. While I waited I unzipped the pouch.
    Nothing happened, at least not fast enough to suit me. I wanted him to get his ass out there so I could get it over with and be gone. I started kicking the black door, taking pleasure in the marks I was leaving on the fresh paint. Between the bell and my shoe, the racket got his attention. The door exploded open. I jumped away from his body towering over me, the iron railing biting into my butt as I stared up at Ray John. Leaning over me, inches from my nose, he shouted down into my face, “What? What the hell do you want?”
    At five-foot-seven I was dwarfed by Ray John who stood a good seven inches above me. Barefoot and naked except for boxers, he must have been sleeping but the close-cropped fair hair was never going to give it away by being rumpled. When I’d known him he’d been big and fit, but now he was something else, almost grotesque with muscle definition. His neck had all but disappeared into ridges of muscle sloping down to his shoulders, making his head look undersized for his body. His arms, blown up with muscle, angled out from his body rather than hanging down as they would on a normal-sized man. It wasn’t natural…but then nothing about this animal had ever been natural.
    His iron-grey eyes drilled into me and his square jaw was clenched in anger; I had a strong sense it was taking a huge effort of will on his part not to pound me into the concrete.
    “Do you know who I am?” I asked.
    “You’re the woman who’s about to get her ass kicked back to the curb.”
    “I’m Ruth Ann Jenkins’ daughter, Sherri, the woman who regrets not blowing your brains out when I had the chance.” My right hand was wrapped around the cool metal in the pouch, giving me courage. “I’m the woman who’s still tempted to rid the earth of your sorry ass.”
    Something registered in his eyes. He stood straighter, pulling himself away from me. “Who are you?”
    “My name is Sherri Travis now. I’m the one Lacey is staying with. I know about you, know what you did to her and if you touch her again I’ll have the police on you.”
    “You’re full of shit.”
    “Am I? Just try coming near her again and I’ll lay charges against you for what you did to me when I was a kid.”
    “Whose going to pay any attention to you?” he sneered, looking me up and down. “A slut like your mother.”
    “Stay away from Lacey or I’ll see you in jail. I bet there’s lots of others who’d come forward if this hits the papers.” There was a darkening of his eyes, a wariness that told me it was true. I hadn’t been the first one or the last one he’d abused. This knowledge weakened my legs and had me sagging down against the railing with the horror of it.
    Wariness took over but the violence didn’t leave him. He was still angry, still wanting to use his fists on me but he was more cautious now, another confirmation of his crimes.
    I pressed my advantage. “Can you afford to get your name in the papers?” Another weird memory about Ray John came back, his overwhelming desire for respect. “And I’ll make sure every one of your neighbors knows about it, make sure they all know what a pervert you are.” His eyes flicked sideways.
    “I’ll make sure they put Lacey somewhere safe where you’ll never see her again.” I slid sideways along the rail, slipping past him. “So you tell Rena you think Lacey should stay with me for now.” I ran down the concrete steps.
    I didn’t look back, didn’t even look in the rearview as I drove away. Trembling, every muscle in my body overloaded with adrenalin and fear, I could barely hold it

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