but the Bollinger is acceptable.”
“It sounds wonderful, Hinkle.”
He turned to the table where a shaker and a glass stood on a silver tray. He poured a drink.
She studied his movements, looked searchingly at his fat, pink and white face. No, she thought, no blackmailer. No, this time I can be sure.
“You think of everything, Hinkle,” she said as he handed the glass to her.
“I like to think I do, madame.” A pause, then he went on, “At the moment I am unable to help Mr. Rolfe. Regrettably he is out of my hands. I would be happy if you would call on my services, madame. It would give me considerable pleasure.”
“Thank you, Hinkle. I will.” Her quick active brain saw her chance. She must get Hinkle firmly on her side. “Mr. Winborn asked for some papers to do with a deal. I told him you were familiar with Mr. Rolfe’s affairs but Mr. Winborn . . .” She stopped, seeing a faint blush come to Hinkle’s face. Looking away, she said, “Mr. Winborn is a snob.”
She then looked at Hinkle and their eyes met.
“So I believe, madame,” he said, gave a little bow and moved to the door. “Then lunch in half an hour.”
When he had gone, she went out on to the terrace and surveyed the beach, the crowds and the traffic.
“I think Hinkle is mine,” she said to herself.
* * *
After lunch, Dr. Levi came to see her. He told her the hemorrhage in the brain hadn’t increased. This was an encouraging sign. He took off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. But the hemiplegia was severe. However, in time some sort of recovery was possible.
“Two or three months could see a marked change,” he went on. “I have asked Professor Bernstein to make himself available. He is the best man in Europe. The condition of Mr. Rolfe’s heart, however, is not satisfactory so I don’t want to raise hopes. All the same, under the intensive care treatment he is receiving, I am satisfied that he should be able to be moved within three days. Unfortunately I am unable to remain here any longer and I am anxious to get him to our hospital, but Dr. Bellamy is most competent and you can have complete confidence in him.”
Helga’s mind worked swiftly.
“A marked change? What does that mean?”
“If his heart continues to withstand the shock he has had, I feel confident that he will regain his speech and the paralysis that has attacked his right side will be less severe.”
“Two or three months?”
“It could take longer but certainly not less.”
“You mean that for two or three months he will be unable to speak?”
“It is most unlikely: mumbling, of course, but nothing that could be understood. I mention this because Mr. Winborn is most anxious to consult him. I have warned Mr. Winborn not to attempt to persuade Mr. Rolfe to make any effort.”
Two or three months if his heart held out, Helga thought.
“Could I see him?” she asked, not wanting to but knowing it was the right thing to say.
“Unwise, Mrs. Rolfe. There is no need to distress yourself unnecessarily.” Dr. Levi replaced his glasses. “You have no need to worry. Dr. Bellamy will be in constant touch with me. I will make a decision by Friday whether he can be moved or not.” He regarded her. “Now, Mrs. Rolfe, you must not sit around in this room. You must get out and enjoy the beach and the sunshine.” He smiled. “I don’t want another important patient on my hands: one is quite enough. So attempt to enjoy yourself. Mr. Rolfe is not going to die.” He paused, realizing he was committing himself. “Let me say he will certainly survive for a number of days and I have every hope to say he will live at least to the end of the year What I am trying to say is you may leave the hotel, try to live normally knowing Mr. Rolfe is in expert hands.”
“You are most understanding and kind,” Helga said.
When he had gone, she went out on to the terrace, feeling the hot sun like a sensual caress.
If a heart attack doesn’t kill
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount